
The Backup & Restore > Jobs page shows all the details that are related to backup or restore jobs. It shows the history of previous and currently running jobs.

The Jobs tab includes following details:

Table 1. Jobs page section details
Element Description
Summary section
  • Success rate is the percentage of completed jobs to canceled jobs and failed jobs. For example, if completed jobs are 10 and failed jobs and canceled jobs are 0, the success rate is shown as 100%.
  • You can see the number of jobs that are completed, canceled, and failed.
  • Click the Time filter option and select a time. It shows the number of completed, canceled, and failed jobs along with the success rate for the selected time period.
Queue section You can see the number of jobs in progress and pending states.
Backups tab You can see the statuses of all jobs (failed, pending, in-progress, canceled, completed).
The Backups table lists all the jobs along with the following details:
  • The Name of the respective job. Click the Name to view job details. It takes you to the job details page. For more information, see Jobs details.
    Note: The batch option is unavailable.
  • The Cluster to which the job belongs.
  • The Application that is associated with the job.
  • The Status of the jobs. The table shows all job statuses (failed, pending, in-progress, canceled, completed).
  • The Started column shows the date and time of job creation.
  • The Elapsed time of the jobs. This time is only shown for jobs in progress.
  • The Finished column shows the date and time of job completion.
  • The Policy column shows the policy name of the jobs.
Search Backups
  • Click the
    (filter icon) to view the specified jobs according to your preferences. You can filter and view the required jobs in the jobs table.
    • Choose the job Status, Policy, and Application, Cluster, and Finished time of the job.
    • Click Apply. This lists the jobs according to your preferences.
    • In the Backups tab table, you can sort the jobs based on Started field.
Restores tab You can see the all job statuses (failed, pending, in-progress, canceled, completed).
The job Restores table lists all restore jobs along with the following details:
  • The Name of the respective job. Click the Name to view job details. It takes you to the job details page. For more information, see Jobs details.
  • The Cluster to which the job belongs.
  • The Application associated with the job.
  • The Status of the jobs. The table shows only completed, failed, and canceled jobs.
  • The Started column shows the start date and time of a job.
  • The Elapsed time of the jobs. The time is displayed as Hours:Minutes:seconds.
  • The Finished column shows the completed date and time of a job.
  • The Policy column shows the policy name to the jobs.
Search Restores
  • Click the
    (filter icon) to view the history of specified jobs according to your preferences. You can filter and view the history of required jobs in the history table.
    • Choose the job Status, Policy, Application, Cluster, and Finished time of the job.
    • Click Apply. This lists the jobs according to your preferences.
    • In the Restore tab table, you can sort the jobs based on the Finished status.
Cancel jobs Cancel jobs by using the Backup or Restore CR. Add the following line to the CR specification to cancel jobs that are in queue or running state.
  jobControl: cancel

If you cancel during backup, the volume snapshots get removed as a part of cleanup.

If you issue a cancel during restore, the cleanup happens only when you choose a new or an existing namespace.
Note: When you cancel a restore job to the original namespace, cleanup does not happen and can result in a corrupt application after the cancellation completes.
You can scale out the number of transaction manager pods to process more jobs at the same time. For example, run the following command to increase the number of agent pods to two:
oc scale deployments/transaction-manager --replicas=2 -n ibm-backup-restore 
To the scale out from the OpenShift® Container Platform console, do the following steps:
  1. Change the project to the Backup & Restore install namespace. The default is ibm-backup-restore.
  2. Search and select the transaction-manager deployment.
  3. Click the scale up or down to increase or decrease the scale. It takes about 30 seconds for a replica to start in optimal conditions. Do not click multiple times instead wait for each pod to get to ready status.