Data segregation

The RMDS holds the RMA authorisations, queries, and answers for all OUs. Each entry in the RMDS belongs to a particular business OU. The business OU to which an entry belongs is determined by a CO of type DnfBic8Map, which maps a BIC8 to a business OU. Each entry is associated with an OU at the time that it is created. If a mapping is changed so that a BIC8 is mapped to a different OU, existing entries are not affected and continue to be associated with the previous OU.

Changing business OU of RM authorisations

If you want to change the mapping for existing authorisation entries of an BIC8 you have to:
  1. export all authorisation using the RM export command and specifying the file mode complete and the BIC8.
  2. change the DnfBic8Map to specify the new business OU for the BIC8.
  3. import the export file using the RM import command in the new business OU of the BIC8.

Access Control

The business OU of an entry is used to control access by users of the RMA enterprise application and users of the RM and ASP administration service. In order to create, access, or modify an entry, an RMA user must have the appropriate access rights in the corresponding OU. However, RMA traffic filtering uses the applicable authorisation for a message regardless of the OU with which the authorisation is associated. For each business relationship, the RMDS can contain only one authorisation to send and one authorisation to receive. It is not possible to define identical or conflicting authorisations for different OUs.