User header block (block 3) for SR 2017

Table 1. SWIFT inbound user header block (block 3) - Transformation Extender map
## Tag or field name Mandatory / Optional Subfield Variants of subfield Semantic Content / options Sample Example Mapping rules ISF field path Database
1 Tag103(Service Identifier) M -- -- Tag103 Defines the code for the FIN-copy service of the SSP If this field is not present, the message will be delivered directly to the receiver without processing in the Payments Module (PM). Present in MT 103, 202, 204. All other MT will not contain field 103. {103:3!a} {103:AB1} Extract the value from the source and map it directly to the target as it is FinMessage:Block3:F103 --
2 Tag113(Banking Priority) O -- -- Tag 113 defines an optional four-character banking priority. The contents of tag 113 are agreed between two or more users. Banking Priority as set by the sender of the message. It can be ignored by the receiver. MT 012, 019, 900, 910, 940, 950 will contain no field 113. 113:4X 113:xxxx} Extract the value from the source and map it directly to the target as it is FinMessage:Block3:F113 --
3 Tag108(Message User Reference (MUR)) O -- -- Tag 108 defines a free-format field in which users may specify their own reference of up to 16 characters of the permitted character set 108:16X {108:ABC}} Extract the value from the source and map it directly to the target as it is FinMessage:Block3:F108 TRANSMISSION_V.CID
4 Tag119(Validation Flag) O -- -- Tag 119 The participant may request SWIFT validation according to the rules of the MT 103+ by using {119:STP}. If this field is not available, MT 103 core will follow. Use in MT 202 COV: The placement of field 119 with code COV is mandatory. {119:8c} {119:STP} Extract the value from the source and map it directly to the target as it is FinMessage:Block3:F119 --
5 Tag423 O(Tag423) If Tag423 is present then M(Date) M(Time) O(Hundredths of Second) Date -- Keeping this blank due to lack of documentation {423:YYMMDDHHMMSS2!n} Date - YYMMDD {423:12080107051204} Date - 120801 Extract the six characters from source and map it directly to the target as it is FinMessage:Block3:F423:Date --
Time -- Keeping this blank due to lack of documentation HHMMSS 070512 Extract the six characters from source and map it directly to the target as it is FinMessage:Block3:F423:Time --
Hundredths of Second -- Keeping this blank due to lack of documentation 2!n 04 Extract the two characters from source and map it directly to the target as it is FinMessage:Block3:F423:HundredthsOfASecond --
6 Tag106 O MIR
  • 1. Date
  • 2. LTIdentifier
  • 3. BranchCode
  • 4. SessionNumber
  • 5. SequenceNumber
Keeping this blank due to lack of documentation {106:<mir>} <mir> format 1. Date:YYMMDD 2. LTIdentifier: minLength=12 maxLength=12 [A-Z]{4}[A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]{3} 3. BranchCode - 3!c 3. SessionNumber:format - 4!n pattern - [0-9]{4} 4. Sequence Number:minLength=6 maxLength=6 [0-9]{6} 120811BANKBEBBAXXX2222123456 Refer to Application Header Block B18 FinMessage:Block3:F106:<elementname> --
7 Tag424 O -- -- Keeping this blank due to lack of documentation {424:16x} {424:PQAB1234} Extract the value from the source and map it directly to the target as it is FinMessage:Block3:F424 --
8 Tag111 O                
9 Tag121 O                
10 Tag115(Addressee Information) O -- -- Tag 115 - This field is present when the receiver receives this message from a Y-copy service. This is synonymous with settling the payment in the PM. It contains information from the PM:
  • Time of crediting RTGS account of receiver
  • Time of debiting RTGS account of sender
  • Country code of sender
  • SSP internal posting reference for unique identification
{115: HHMMSS HHMMSS 2!a 16x} {115: 121413 121413 US BANKABCD1123} Extract the value from the source and map it directly to the target as it is FinMessage:Block3:F115 --
11 Tag165 O                
12 Tag433( Receiver Information (Sanctions screening only)) O(Tag433) If Tag433 is present then: M(CodeWord) O(AdditionalInformation) CodeWord -- The screening service inputs information in the MT 097 FIN copy message authorisation/refusal notification, in Y-Copy mode. FINCopy copies the information to the receiver of the screened message. The following values can be present in this field:
  • AOK: message automatically released by screening service
  • FPO: compliance officer has flagged the screening result as false positive
  • NOK: compliance officer has flagged the screened message as suspect
The code word can optionally be followed by additional information (up to 20 characters from the x character set).
{433:/3!a/[20x]} {433:/AOK} Tag433 is optional but if present CodeWord is mandatory. Extract the first three characters between two "/" and map it to CodeWord on target FinMessage:Block3:F433:CodeWord --
AdditionalInformation -- AdditionalInformation is optional. So, if there is data after three character "/"<CodeWord>"/", extract it and map to target as it is. If it is blank, do not set this on target as it is blank. FinMessage:Block3:F433:AdditionalInformation --