Configuration Data Workbook

The configuration workbook has one or more worksheets that contains the actual data used for the import operation. The user can modify data in the worksheet and import it into the database performing inserts of new records or updates to existing records.

Typically one worksheet supplies the data for one database table, but there can be exceptions to this. For example, multiple worksheets can contribute to one database table. Also more than one database table can be updated by a single worksheet.

The role of the configuration workbook changes when exporting data from the database. During the export process the DSU creates the configuration workbook. Data is read from the database and placed into the configuration workbook.

The control of what configuration worksheets and field data within to be processed is set in the map and cross reference workbooks. The map workbook relates the fields in the configuration workbook to the fields in the database tables and the cross reference workbook controls which set of configuration worksheets are processed. For more information, see Cross Reference Workbook and Map Workbook.

For import, it is required that configuration workbooks have the worksheets and columns specified by the map and cross reference workbooks.


The configuration workbook contains one or more worksheets. They may or may not contain the data associated with the database. Those that do must match the ones listed in the cross reference workbook. Those that don't can contain anything, for example instructions, notes, and comments. The DSU gets all of its steering from the cross reference workbook when performing the selected option. It ignores what is not configured.

One configuration workbook may contain worksheets for multiple cross reference workbooks. Each cross reference would work with its own set.

Worksheet Format

The worksheet has a column for each of the database table columns for which configuration data can be imported, exported, or validated. There are exceptions to this when multiple columns are used together to select the actual value being imported into the database field. Table 1 shows the rows that are in a configuration data worksheet for each spreadsheet column.
Table 1. Configuration Data Worksheet Row Definitions
Row Description
1 The attribute name: A descriptive name for the database column. It matches the attribute names defined in the map worksheet for this table. For more information about the map worksheets, see Map Workbook.
2 First row of configuration data values for this database table
3 Second row of configuration data values for this database table
... Additional rows of configuration data values
N Last row of configuration data values for this database table

The DSU stops processing records when it comes to a blank line. Below that, comments can be added to the configuration data worksheets.

Note: Configuration data worksheets that contain more than 65,536 rows or 256 columns must use the XLSX format.