Sender FI Outgoing Remittance Advice (TCH)
This topic describes the outgoing remittance advice flow for TCH.
Use case summary
The Remittance Advice is initiated by a client so as to provide additional remittance information to a receiver, for a related transaction that is being initiated at the same time. For example, a Debtor FI might send a remittance advice message supplementary to a credit transfer message. Alternatively, a Creditor FI might send a remittance advice message supplementary to a request for payment (RFP) message.
The remittance advice is delivered by the sender financial institution (FI) to the clearing and settlement mechanism (CSM). The CSM delivers the remittance advice to the receiving FI. The Remittance Advice is processed at the same time as the related transaction, resulting in acknowledgments for both being sent to the CSM at the same time, and notifications for both being sent at the same time to the receiving FI client.
The sender FI may time out if it hasn’t received an acknowledgment for a remittance that has been sent to the CSM within its time out limit. If this occurs, the sender FI re-sends the remittance to the CSM with a possible duplicate flag set. When the CSM has no record of this request, it sends it to the receiving FI as a possible duplicate. If the request is not known to the receiving FI either, it is processed normally. Otherwise, the acknowledgment for the original remittance is sent a second time.
- FTM for Immediate Payments receives a Remittance Advice message from the client channel.
- The remittance message is validated and duplicate checked.
- FTM for Immediate Payments attempts to locate the related credit transfer or RFP. If it cannot be located, the system waits for the related message to arrive. If the wait interval times out, a reject status message is returned to the channel. This check,wait, or both, is done as a pre-check service step that facilitates the inclusion of customer specific pre-check services.
- One pre-check services complete successfully the remittance message information is further validated against information in the related message. If there is a mismatch of data, an incorrect OrglTxId for example, a reject status message is returned to the channel.
- If full validation completes, the related credit transfer or RFP is notified that the remittance is being accepted, which allows their process to continue.
- The Remittance Advice is sent to the CSM and FTM for Immediate Payments waits for the CSM response.
- The Remittance Advice is re-sent at intervals if the CSM response is not received.
- Once the response is received, the status message is sent to the channel.
Use case high-level sequence diagram
Use case detailed sequence diagram
FTM for Immediate Payments, which is represented by one lifeline in the preceding high-level sequence diagrams, has been divided into multiple lower level lifelines in the following series of sequence diagrams.
Referenced interaction | Reference link |
Log and Map Single Txn | Log and map single transaction diagram |
Inline Send Txn (Fire and Forget) | Send transaction fire and forget diagram |