Credit Transfer Timeout - Debtor FI to CSM (TCH)

Scenario that describes the end to end processing when an immediate payment is initiated by a debtor client and a timeout is detected by the debtor FI.

The payment is sent to the debtor financial institution (FI), forwarded to the clearing and settlement mechanism (CSM), and passed to the creditor FI. Once the payment has been processed, the debtor FI expects to receive a status confirmation message. If this is not received within the defined period, the debtor FI times out. At this time, it re-sends the payment with a possible duplicate flag, continues to wait for the status confirmation, and, possibly, re-sends again after further time outs. When the CSM receives the re-sent payment, it may have already received and processed the payment; in which case, there was a problem in delivering the status confirmation to the debtor FI. In this case, the CSM re-sends the status confirmation. Alternatively, if there had been a problem delivering the payment to the CSM and the CSM has not already received the payment, the CSM processes the payment normally and passes it to the creditor FI. The process continues as in the Credit Transfer Good or Credit Transfer Bad use cases.

Credit transfer timeout debtor FI to CSM high-level sequence diagram

The following figure shows the high-level sequence diagram for the credit transfer timeout debtor FI to CSM:
Figure 1. Credit transfer timeout debtor FI to CSM - high-level sequence diagram
In the figure above, FTM for Immediate Payments provides the process required for the Debtor FI and Creditor FI lifelines.

For details of processing, see Debtor FI Outgoing Credit Transfer Time Out (TCH) and Creditor FI Incoming Credit Transfer Time Out – Cancellation (TCH).