Viewing, exporting, and printing data

To view data:
  1. In the Application list box, select the FTM application for which data is to be displayed, or ALL APPLICATIONS if data is to be displayed for all applications.
  2. On the Menu page, click any item to load a search screen for the type of data you wish to view.
    • For operational data, unless you have set your User Preferences to automatically search, you must specify search criteria and click the Search search icon before any data is displayed.
    • For configuration data, a list is automatically displayed. You can filter the list by specifying search criteria and clicking the Search search icon.
    The data for the selected menu item is displayed in a list.
  3. To view the details for a particular item in the list, select that row from the list. Each details view contains:
    • Fields that describe the attributes of the item. Most of these fields correspond to the columns of the list.
    • A notebook with tabbed pages containing additional information. Which pages are displayed depends on the type of data and your permissions.