IBM® App Connect Enterprise Implementation

The Store and Release sample application is implemented using the generic FSM model and the generic action implementation.

Main components overview

  • MT103 payment messages
  • Scheduler task with two schedule entries
    • Schedule entry to change the business day
    • Schedule entry to release payments
  • Service participant, whose processing date represents the business day

Main functional overview

  • Upon start up of the application, the E_Heartbeat Start transition causes the following to happen:
    • The application determines the processing date of the service participant by examining the time of the schedule entry to change the business day. If the scheduled time is less than the current time, the processing date is set to yesterday's date, otherwise it is set to today's date.
    • The application releases any existing payment messages that are being held and are valid to be released. It compares the processing date of the service participant to the value date of the payment message. If the value date is less than or equal to the processing date, it is released. Otherwise, the payment message remains in a holding state.
    • The next schedule entry, either releasing payments or changing the business day, is determined and the scheduler task is updated accordingly.
  • When the timeout for the scheduler task is reached, on the E_Heartbeat transition, the following occurs:
    • If the next schedule entry was to change the business day, the processing date for the service participant is moved forward by one day.
    • If the next schedule entry was to release payments, the held payments that are eligible for release are released and the other held payments remain in a holding state within FTM.
    • If both schedule entries are scheduled for the same time, both of the above actions will take place.
    • The next schedule entry, either releasing payments or changing the business day, is determined and the scheduler task is updated accordingly.
  • When a payment message is ingested by FTM and mapped to ISF, the following occurs:
    • The value date of the payment message is compared to the processing date of the service participant.
    • If the value date is less than or equal to the processing date, the payment message is sent to the payment gateway.
    • If the value date is greater than the processing date, the payment message is put into a holding state within FTM.