
Use the following steps to create the default JDBC data source if you are using an Oracle database.
  1. Run the following commands to create the JDBC provider and to create a security identity. The parameters for some of these commands are displayed on multiple lines to improve readability. When you are running a command, do not enter the parameters on separate lines.
    mqsicreateconfigurableservice <Integration node name> -c JDBCProviders -o FTMJDBCProvider 
              -n connectionUrlFormat,description,type4DatasourceClassName,type4DriverClassName 
              -v "jdbc:oracle:thin:[user]/[password]@[serverName]:[portNumber]:[connectionUrlFormatAttr1],
                 FTM Oracle Database,oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource,oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
    mqsichangeproperties <Integration node name> -c JDBCProviders -o FTMJDBCProvider -n connectionUrlFormatAttr1 
              -v <database system identifier(SID)>
    mqsichangeproperties <Integration node name> -c JDBCProviders -o FTMJDBCProvider -n portNumber -v <PortNumber>
    mqsichangeproperties <Integration node name> -c JDBCProviders -o FTMJDBCProvider -n serverName -v <serverName>
    mqsichangeproperties <Integration node name> -c JDBCProviders -o FTMJDBCProvider -n jarsURL -v <jarsURL>
    mqsisetdbparms <Integration node name> -n jdbc::<securityIdentity> -u <userName> -p <password>
    mqsichangeproperties <Integration node name> -c JDBCProviders -o FTMJDBCProvider -n securityIdentity -v <securityIdentity>
    In these commands, <jarsURL> represents the location of the driver class. For example, /usr/oracle/base/product/11g/jdbc/lib.
    For XA support, set the following properties.
    • Set the type4DatasourceClassName property to an applicable class. For example, oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource.
    • Set the jdbcProviderXASupport property to true.
    For non-XA support, set the following properties.
    • Set the type4DatasourceClassName property to an applicable class. For example, oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver.
    • Set the jdbcProviderXASupport property to false.
  2. To display the current setting, run the following command.
    mqsireportproperties <Integration node name> -c JDBCProviders -o FTMJDBCProvider -r
  3. Restart the integration node.