Sanction screening deployment

The simulator reads requests from the FTM for Immediate Payments application output queue, <prefixes>.REQUEST.TO.SANCTION, and places responses on the Immediate Payments application input queue, <prefixes>.RESPONSE.FROM.SANCTION.

Sanction screening request

The sanction screening request uses the following information:
  • Transaction type (business concept) - IP_SANCTION_REQUEST.
  • Request ID.
  • ISF structure of the received request.

Sanction screening response

The sanction screening response is shown in the following table.
Table 1. Sanction screening response
Status code Transaction type (business concept)
  • The simulator responds to a sanction screening request with a sanction screening response.
  • ISF transaction structure - isf:Acknowledgment.
  • The response request ID and TransactionIdentification are populated from the request ID of the sanction screening request.
  • The response contains an accept, pending, or reject status code.

For responses with a pending and reject status code, a reason and reason code are provided in the acknowledgment message. For more information, see Reject codes and reasons.

To control the status codes of the response acknowledgments, the following user-defined properties are provided:
  • SOS_Name_RJCT - the default value is SOS.RJCT.
  • SOS_Name_PEND - the default value is SOS.PEND.
  • SOS_Name_PEND_RJCT - the default value is SOS.ACK.RJCT.
The debtor name of the sanction screening request message is compared to these properties.
The following examples show the debtor name within the sanction screening request message ISF:
<PartyRole xsi:type="isf:DebtorRole">
   <Player xsi:type="isf:Person">
         <Name>Mr Debtor 1 SOS.RJCT</Name>

The ISF field for the debtor name is populated from the debtor of the original message.

If the name field contains the string that is defined in the SOS_Name_RJCT property, as shown in bold text in the previous examples, the simulator replies with a reject status code. And, the business concept is set to IP_SANCTION_RESPONSE_REJECT.

If the name field contains the string that is defined in the SOS_Name_PEND property, the simulator replies with a pending status code. And, the business concept is set to IP_SANCTION_RESPONSE_PENDING.

If the name field contains the strings that are defined in the SOS_Name_PEND and the SOS_Name_PEND_RJCT properties, a response with a reject status code is stored in the store acknowledgment queue. Otherwise, a response with an accept status code is prepared.

When any message is placed on the trigger acknowledgment queue, the stored acknowledgment message is sent to Immediate Payments.

  • SOS_CrdtAgtRCLRspRjct - the default value is BBBBUS92(SCTInst).

The simulator rejects a credit return request when the creditor agent BIC is equal to SOS_CrdtAgtRCLRspRjct.

  • SOS_CretrAgtRspRjct - the default value is 021200283(TCH).

The simulator rejects a credit return request when the case creator agent ID is equal to SOS_CretrAgtRspRjct.

  • SOS_CrdtAcctROIRjct - the default value is DE29A12000194212188884(SCTInst):

The simulator rejects a credit return request when the creditor account is equal to SOS_CrdtAcctROIRjct.

If the described conditions do not apply, the simulator responds with an accept status code.

Status code quick reference example

The simulator behavior that can be expected when the defaults defined for the user-defined property (UDP) values are used is shown in the following table.

Table 2. Example sanction screening simulator responses for default property values
ISF type Condition Value Status
All ISF types Contents of the debtor name field SOS.PEND Pending
SOS.ACK.RJCT The triggered acknowledgment contains a reject status code. If this value is not in the name field, the triggered acknowledgment response contains an accept status code.
CreditReturn Creditor agent BIC is equal to SCTInst:SOS_CrdtAgtRCLRspRjct

(default: BBBBUS92)

CreditInvestigation Case creator agent ID is equal to TCH:SOS_CretrAgtRspRjct

(default: 021200283)

All ISF types   None of these values Accept