Import and delete order

When the DSU is used to import data into the FTM database, the components must be imported in the order that is shown in the following table. The import operation for a component must complete successfully before the import operation for the next component is attempted.
Note: The configuration data must be deleted in the reverse order of this list.
Table 1. Import and delete order
Component Required or optional Additional information
Payment Feature Services base component Required  
Digital Payments Optional When the NACHA validation rules are customized, import the adjusted data after the NACHA data is imported.
Corporate Payment Services Optional If Digital Payments was installed after Corporate Payment Services was installed, the Corporate Payment Services data must be imported again.
Transaction Server legacy profile configuration data Optional Import this data only if it has legacy profile configuration data that is not included with the default configuration.
Gateway Duplicate Detection data Optional Import this data only when it is duplicate detection data that is being migrated. The data must first be exported from its original location.