PSPC report

This report displays a summary of the transactions with the Bank of Canada.

This sample report is shown in the following package.

Table 1. Package for the PSPC report
Archive Name Package Name Report Name
CPS pkg_cps PSPC Report
The following table shows the parameters for the interbank settlement PSPC selection criteria.
Table 2. Interbank settlement PSPC selection criteria
Parameter Name Description Type Example(s)
paramSettlementDate Starting date of the date range for which to report data. Date 2020-02-20
paramInboundOutbound Selects redemption or refund report. String Inbound
paramYourDataCenter Partner ID for your data center. Integer 00290
paramGovernmentDataCenter Partner ID for the Bank of Canada. Integer 17710
The following table shows the fields in the PSPC report.
Table 3. PSPC report fields
Field Description
FILE CREATION NUMBER An entry for each file creation number (FCN).
TRANSACTION DATE Group by transaction due date, transaction type, and FCN.
NO. OF CREDITS Number of the grouped transactions for the same due date, transaction type, and FCN.
AMOUNT OF CREDITS Total amount of credits for the above transaction date and FCN.
NO. OF DEBITS The value is always 0.
AMOUNT OF DEBITS The value is always 0.00.
TOTAL Grand total of the above four columns.