FTM sample reports installation

To use the sample reports, do the following steps.
  1. Create a database to use as the content store for Cognos®. This database is separate from the FTM database.
  2. Use Cognos Administration to create a data source with the following properties:

    Name: ftmbasedb_source

    Table 1. Data source properties (sample)
    Type IBM® Db2® database Oracle database
    Database FTMDB FTMDB
    Connection string jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/FTMDB (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST=localhost) (PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=FTMDB)))
    Open Session Commands Add the following command block to the open session command block.
             <sql>SET SCHEMA FTM</sql>
             <sql>SET PATH = FTM</sql>
    Add the following command block to the open session command block.
             <sql>ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = FTM</sql>
  3. Ensure that the installation of the database tables for FTMDB is complete.
  4. Copy install_directory/ftm/v3213/multiplatform/FXH_Cognos_Samples.zip to cognos_install_directory/deployment.
  5. Use Cognos Administration to import the sample report package.
  6. The reports can be run in Cognos Viewer, or Cognos Report Studio.