Bank payment currency report

The bank payment currency report displays the total amount for each currency that has been transmitted to a specific bank during a period of time. The report is grouped by subtype.

This sample report is in the package shown in the following table.

Table 1. Report package for the bank payment currency report
Archive Name Package Name Report Name pkg_ftmbase_model rpt_bank_payment_currency

The selection criteria are shown in the following table.

Table 2. Bank payment currency report selection criteria
Parameter Name Description Type Examples
BeginDate Beginning date for the report Date 20/01/15
EndDate Ending date for the report Date 22/01/15
MasterFlag Include master transactions String Yes

The fields for this report are shown in the following table.

Table 3. Bank payment currency report fields
Field Description
Application The name of the application
Destination Bank Code The destination bank code
Subtype The subtype
Total Amount Total currency amount of the transactions on this channel
Currency Currency of the total amount