
In FTM, a format encapsulates both the logical message definition and the physical wire format for the messages that are arriving or leaving FTM. A format also applies to some internal messages such as ISF or events that conform to the Common Base Event specification. In terms of application programming, external formats must be modeled in such a way that the application can sensibly parse, validate, and write the format. In the context of FTM, a formal format definition might be:
  • An XML schema (.xsd)
  • An IBM® App Connect Enterprise message set
  • A IBM Transformation Extender type tree
XML schema definitions often preexist for industry standard formats or existing XML interfaces. If required, they can be created by using standard text editors or by using the XML schema editors in the Rational® tools.
IBM App Connect Enterprise message sets can also preexist. If they don't, use the IBM App Connect Toolkit to create them by either:
  • Using the message set editor in IBM App Connect Enterprise to manually define a message set.
  • Importing an XML schema.
  • Importing an XML DTD.
  • Importing a COBOL copybook.
  • Importing a C header file.
Similarly, IBM Transformation Extender type trees can be created by using the IBM Transformation Extender design studio.