WebSphere cluster deployment planning
Extra configuration might be needed to deploy Payment Feature Services components into WebSphere® Application Server. The following sections describe what to consider before you deploy into a WebSphere cluster.
Startup beans
Startup beans need to be configured on each server in the cluster.
Scheduler calendars
For a network deployment, the WebSphere scheduler calendars must be installed manually. For more information about installing scheduler calendars and creating or dropping scheduler tables, see the IBM WebSphere Application Server documentation.
Automated deployment utility
Make sure that all of the servers in the cluster are defined before the Automated deployment utility is used to do the deployment. When it is run, the ADU configures only the servers that are defined in the cluster.
Session security for unauthorized requests
In response to an unauthorized request, the session manager can invalidate a session instead of creating an
error message. When a session is invalidated, the
requester can create a new session, but it does not have access to any of the previously saved session data.
This invalidation allows a single user to continue processing requests after a logoff while still protecting
the session data.
Consider setting the InvalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException session management custom property to true so that the session manager invalidates the session in response to unauthorized requests. Invalidating the session causes the client to be redirected to the login page. For more information about using the InvalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException custom property, see the WebSphere Application Server documentation. Set this property at the server level.
The default value for this property is false.