Notification of Change Management

The Notification of Change Management (NOC Management) component manages the receipt and processing of the ACH transaction types that are shown in the following table.
Table 1. NOC Management supported transaction types
SEC code Description
COR Notification of change transactions
DNE Death notification transactions

A browser-based administrative console allows administrators and users to access the component without special client software. Preferences for time zones, dates, and language are configurable, enabling users to reside in multiple locations or geographical areas from the location of the component installation. Console features are provided for typical user and component administration. The typical user can view the NOC and DNE data. The administrator sets up users, grants permissions, and configures runtime properties.

NOC Management, using WebSphere® Application Server, can be deployed to a single computer or to multiple computers. Multiple computers provide workload handling and high availability. All instances share the same message queues and database.