Installing in silent mode

Install FTM for Immediate Payments unattended using a response file.

In silent mode, the installation settings are specified in the response file and read by IBM® Installation Manager during installation.

Sample response files for silent installation and uninstallation are available in the file.

In order to obtain these samples, extract the archive. For example, by using the jar command provided by the Java™ SDK. The extracted directory contains the following files:
  • silent/ftmIP_install.rsp – the sample response file for the silent installation of FTM for Immediate Payments
  • silent/ftmIP_uninstall.rsp – the sample response file for the silent uninstallation of FTM for Immediate Payments
To install FTM for Immediate Payments in silent mode:
  1. Change to the directory to which you extracted the installation package.
  2. Edit the response file:
    • To set the installation repository, locate the following tag and replace your_ftm_IP_repository.config_directory with the directory that contains the repository.config file:
      <repository location='your_ftm_IP_repository.config_directory'/>
    • If your FTM installation directory is to be different from /opt/IBM/ftm, locate the following tags and replace /opt/IBM/ftm with your installation directory:
      <profile id='IBM Financial Transaction Manager'
      <data key='eclipseLocation' value='/opt/IBM/ftm'/>
    • If the shared resources directory of the IBM Installation Manager is not /opt/IBM/IBMIMShared, locate the following tag and replace /opt/IBM/IBMIMShared with the correct directory:
      <preference name=''
  3. Save the response file.
  4. Perform the installation, for example, run
    <IMinstdir>/eclipse/tools/imcl -input ftmIP_install.rsp -acceptLicense -log log/ftmIP_install.log
    where <IMinstdir> represents the directory in which IBM Installation Manager is installed (the default is /opt/IBM/InstallationManager).