Automatic NOC processing

When an RDFI receives a transaction from an ODFI, Business Rules checks whether the RDFI, or its parent participant, requires that any notifications of change (NOCs) be created automatically.

The parent-child relationship in the participant user interface means that a user can configure either the parent or the child participant to specify whether or not NOCs are created automatically.

When a NOC is automatically created for a transaction, the following processing occurs.

  1. Business Rules sets the appropriate change code and suggested correction data for the transaction.
  2. The Transaction Server sends a GenerateNOC message to the NOC Management engine.
  3. When it receives the message, the NOC Management engine uses the suggested change code and correction data to generate the corresponding NOC. If the information to be corrected is the routing transit number, the NOC Management engine checks that the routing transit number does not exceed nine bytes.
  4. The NOC Management engine sends the corresponding NOC back to the ODFI.