Create, view, or edit limit change rule page

A global limit monitor can have limit change rules. The limit change rule page displays the fields that are used to create, view, or update a limit change rule. For existing limit change rules, the name of the limit change rule is shown in the title of the page.

The page has the fields that are shown in the following list. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk. All of the fields are read-only when the page is in view mode.
Priority *
The unique priority number to assign to this limit change rule. A lower number indicates a higher priority.
Name *
Enter a unique name for the limit change rule.
Credit limit
The new credit limit amount for this limit change rule. It is used when all of the limit change conditions for this limit change rule are met. It is specified in the system currency.
Debit limit
The new debit limit amount for this limit change rule. It is used when all of the limit change conditions for this limit change rule are met. It is specified in the system currency.
Limit Change Conditions *
This field contains the list of limit change conditions that are part of this limit change rule.


The columns that are available on the limit change condition part of the page are shown in the following table.
Table 1. Limit change condition columns
Column name or function Description
Selection control The first column is used to select one or more limit change conditions from the list. Clicking the table header selects all of the limit change conditions in the list.
Condition The name of the condition that is selected for this limit change condition. Valid conditions are shown in the following list.
Age of FI relationship
The number of days that the participant has been with the financial institution (FI).
Age of product subscription
The number of days that the participant has been subscribed to an inbound product.
Aggregate amount of successful transactions
The total amount of all of the transactions that were successfully sent by the participant and tracked by this monitor since the monitor went into effect. It is in the system currency.
Client in good standing
The number of days that the participant has been in good standing.
Customer type
The customer type that is assigned to the participant.
Number of successful transactions
The total number of the transactions that were successfully sent by the participant and tracked by this monitor since the monitor went into effect.
Indicates whether the participant is a VIP participant or not.
Profile category
The profile category for the account that was used for the transaction. It is either business or consumer. This condition applies only to Real Time Payments transactions.
High risk customer
Indicates whether the participant is a high risk customer or not.
Operator The comparison operator that is used for this limit change condition. Examples are the greater than and the less than operators.
Value The value that is used for the comparison for this limit change condition.
Detail Additional information, such as a transaction type, that is needed for this limit change condition.


The actions that are available on the page are shown in the following list.
  • Open documentation link opens the help page.
  • Save saves any changes that are made to the limit change rule. A limit change rule must have one limit change condition and at least a credit or debit limit before it can be saved.
  • Cancel either returns to the global limit monitors page or returns the page to view mode. All unsaved changes are lost.
  • Close returns to the global limit monitor page.
  • Create displays the create limit change condition page to add a limit change condition.
  • Search entry field. Typing text in this field automatically filters the limit change conditions that are displayed in the table. The table displays only those limit change conditions that match what was typed in the search field.
  • Delete icon, which deletes the selected limit change conditions. This action is disabled when the user does not have the permissions that are needed to update global limit monitors.