Create, view, or edit limit change condition page
A limit change rule contains one or more limit change conditions. The limit change condition page displays the fields that are used to create, view, or update a limit change condition for a limit change rule. For existing limit change conditions, the name of the limit change condition is shown in the title of the page.
Create, view, or edit limit change condition fields
The page has the fields that are shown in the following list. Required fields are indicated with an
asterisk. All of the fields are read-only when the page is in view mode.
- Condition *
- The condition to use for this limit change condition. Select the condition from the list.
- Operator
- The comparison operator, such as greater than or less than, to use for this limit change condition. Select the operator from the list.
- Value *
- The value to use with the comparison operator for this limit change condition. Either enter a number or select a value from a list.
- Product *
- This field is displayed only for conditions that need an inbound product. Select the inbound product from the list.
- Transaction type *
- This field is displayed only for conditions that apply to transactions. Select the transaction type from the list.
The actions that are available on the page are shown in the following list.
- Learn more link opens the help page.
- Save saves the limit change condition and returns to the limit change rule page.
- Cancel returns to the limit change rule page. All unsaved changes are lost.
- Close returns to the limit change rule page.