FTM OAC security worked examples

These worked examples show how to configure application security at a fine-grained level within the Operations and Administration Console (OAC).

The examples assume the existence of the following users.
  • basicUser
  • adminUser
And the existence of the following groups.
  • FTMUser
  • FTMAdmin
These examples demonstrate how to assign the authorizations that are shown in the following table to the users.
Table 1. Authorizations assigned to the users
User ID Authorizations
basicUser This user has the authorizations that are shown in the following list.
  • View alerts
  • View resolution actions
  • View transactions
  • View configuration values
  • View formats
  • View mappers
adminUser This user has the same authorizations as basicUser plus the authorizations in the following list.
  • Execute resolution action Cancel.
  • Create, delete, and edit an example configuration value category called Cat1.
  • Create, delete, and edit formats.
  • Create, delete, and edit mappers.

The worked examples include scenarios for both single and multiple applications in FTM.