Example of a multibanking configuration

Assume that you want to configure a simple multibanking environment that is based on the hierarchy that is shown in Figure 1. Also, assume that this environment contains a single application with the current version information that is shown in the following table.
Table 1. Example of an APP_VERSION table
1000 1.0.0 1
Use the following steps to configure such an environment:
  1. In the PARTY table, define a list of involved parties that reflects the bank hierarchy. Each party has its own ID. The hierarchy can be traversed by using the ID and PARTY_ID attributes of each record. The APP_VERSION_ID of each party in this table is 1000, so all parties are associated with the same application version (with APPLICATION_ID 1 and VERSION 1.0.0). The PARTY table data for this example is shown in Table 2.
  2. Create a security structure that limits each party to viewing only the operational data that it is allowed to view. This step requires that you create records in the GRP_RES_PERM_REL and RES_PERM tables, as shown in Table 3 and Table 4.
    • GRP_RES_PERM_REL specifies:
      Each group name is defined in the system authentication repository.
      This attribute connects the group to an entry in the RES_PERM table, where resources and permissions are defined.
      This attribute specifies the application to which the resources permissions are granted.
      Note: All users of the FTM graphical user interface must be members of the group FTMUser. Therefore, it is recommended that multibanking view permissions not be assigned to this group. Otherwise, these permissions would be granted to all users, including users who are added in the future.
    • RES_PERM specifies:
      A resource permission identifier. This ID is used to link a resource permission to a GRP_RES_PERM_REL record.
      The type of resource to which the permission applies.
      The parties affected by this permission. Ensure that the specified party IDs belong to the application defined by APP_ID in the GRP_RES_PERM_REL table.
      The type of permission. In this example, View is the only possible value.
    The following fields correlate groups with an application and permissions:
    • RESPERM_ID in the GRP_RES_PERM_REL table
    • ID in the RES_PERM table
Table 2. Example of a multibanking environment PARTY table
100 1000 Null BankA
200 1000 Null BankB
300 1000 Null BankC
120 1000 100 CorporateA1
130 1000 100 CorporateA2
121 1000 120 DepartmentA11
122 1000 120 DepartmentA12
Table 3. Example of a multibanking environment GRP_RES_PERM_REL table
FTMUser 1 1
FTMAdmin 2 1
BankAUser 100 1
BankBUser 200 1
BankCUser 300 1
CorpA1User 120 1
CoprA2User 130 1
DepartmentA11User 121 1
DepartmentA12User 122 1
Table 4. Example of a multibanking environment RES_PERM table
1 GUI Channel View
2 DATA_PARTY_ALL all-data View
100 DATA_PARTY_TREE 100 View
200 DATA_PARTY_TREE 200 View
300 DATA_PARTY_TREE 300 View
120 DATA_PARTY_TREE 120 View
130 DATA_PARTY_TREE 130 View
121 DATA_PARTY 121 View
122 DATA_PARTY 122 View
The data in these tables specifies the following user access and permissions:
  • Users who belong to the group DepartmentA11User cannot see the data that belongs to the group DepartmentA12User, and vice versa.
  • Users who belong to the group DepartmentA11User or DepartmentA12User cannot see the data that belongs to their parent entity, CorpA1User.
  • Users who belong to the group CorpA1User can see their own data and the data that belongs to DepartmentA11User and DepartmentA12User, but not the data that belongs to CorpA2User, or to any other entity that is situated higher in the hierarchy.
  • Users who belong to one of the groups BankAUser, BankBUser, or BankCUser can access only data from their own hierarchies, not data from the hierarchies of another group.
  • Each group affects a specific party, and that the relationship is the same as the one that is shown in Figure 1.
  • All of the permissions to parties, as for other resources, are tied to a specific application.
Only users who belong to FTMAdmin have access to all operational data.

This example uses simple 1:1 relationships (one group is associated with one RES_PERM related to one party that is related to one application). However, a single group might have several RES_PERM entries. For more information about using more than one application and how to scale resource permissions, see OAC Security Data Model.

Figure 1. Sample bank hierarchy
Sample bank hierarchy