Model and model tools migration

You can update the model and model tools by doing the following steps.
  1. Use IBM® Installation Manager to uninstall the current version of the FTM Model Tooling from Rational® Software Architect Designer.
  2. Install the new FTM Model Tooling from the file. For more information about installing the FTM model tools, see Installation instructions.

The file is in the install_directory/ftm/v3213/multiplatform directory.

When an FTM model is now opened in Rational Software Architect Designer, it is automatically migrated. If any migration issues are encountered, a report file in HTML format is created in the RSA workspace.

Some model tool updates might contain FTM model metadata changes, which result in the following message:
The following profiles have newer versions. Would you like to apply the latest version of the profiles selected?
  (PMP FSM Profile)

Click OK to continue.