From 3.2.12 to 3.2.13
The following database migration procedures are for FTM 3.2.13.
Db2 on UNIX or the Windows operating system
- Create a backup of the database to be migrated so that it can be rolled back if a problem occurs during or after the migration process.
- Start a command window that has Db2® administrative privileges.
- Go to the instdir/ftm/v3213/admin/scripts/db2/migration/ directory. The files in this directory contain all the database changes since FTM 3.2.12.
- Run one of the following scripts:
Migrate-Win.cmd [Database Name] [Database Schema] [Database User] [Password]
- Main Windows operating system script to update the [Database Name] [Database Schema] [Database User] [Password]
- Main UNIX script to update the database.
- Create a backup of the database to be migrated so that it can be rolled back if a problem occurs during or after the migration process.
- Start a command window that has Oracle administrative privileges.
- Go to the instdir/ftm/v3213/admin/scripts/oracle/migration/ directory. The files in this directory contain all the database changes since FTM 3.2.12.
- Run one of the following scripts:
Migrate-Win.cmd [Database Name] [Database Schema]
- Main Windows operating system script to update the [Database Name] [Database Schema]
- Main UNIX script to update the database.
Db2 on z/OS®
- Ensure that all the table spaces that are used or defined are universal table spaces (UTS).
- Create a backup of the database to be migrated so that it can be rolled back if a problem occurs during or after the migration process.
- Create an FTM installation data set. The suggested name is
FTMVvrmf.OINSTLIB, where vrmf represents the
FTM version, release, modification, and fix pack level. For example, in TSO, enter:
Data Set Name . . . : FTMV32130.OINSTLIB Organization . . . : PO Record format . . . : FB Record length . . . : 80
- Copy the contents of the following SMP/E UNIX System Services
directories into the FTM installation data set in the following order:
- instdir/admin/scripts/database/migration/
- instdir/admin/scripts/database
- Make a copy of the FTM installation data set and work only with that copy. In addition, save the original as a backup. The suggested name for the copy is FTMVvrmf.INSTLIB.
- The @@2MACRO member maps each configuration placeholder to the value that it is to have. Determine the appropriate value for each of the configuration placeholders that are shown in Table 1. Then modify the member to assign the values to the configuration placeholders.
- Run @@1REXX to replace each placeholder in the FTM installation data set members
with the corresponding value that is specified in @@2MACRO. For example, to run @@1REXX for
FTMV32130.INSTLIB, issue the following commands in ISPF option 6 (commands):
- Check the customized DDL and JCL files before you continue.
- Run the Db2 migration DDL files in your runtime environment in
either of the following ways:
- Run @M313UJC
- @M313UJC is sample JCL that runs the DDL files that migrate the FTM database:
- Adapt its job card to your system requirements.
- You might want to run the SYSIN members one at a time so that you can verify the results before you run the next member. If you do want to run the members one at a time, comment out the lines that are not to be run.
- Submit @M313UJC until all SYSIN members are run.
- Run the Db2 migration DDL files by using SPUFI or a similar tool.
- Use SPUFI or a similar tool to run the DDL members in the same order that is specified in @M313UJC.
- Check whether any of the tables or table spaces are in a CHECK-pending or a REORG-pending status.
Placeholder | Description |
++DB2DSNTEP2PLAN++ | Plan for DSNTEP2 in the Db2 subsystem. |
++DB2HLQ++ | Db2 high-level qualifier. For example,
++DB2RUNLIB++ | The Db2 RUNLIB. For example,
++FXHBUFFERPOOL++ | Buffer pool that is used for the new index. |
++FXHDATABASE++ | The name of the database for FTM. For example,
++FXHINSTALLATIONLIB++ | FTM installation library. For example,
++FXHOPIDTYPE++ | Determines whether the operational ID data type is INTEGER or DECIMAL(19,0). |
++FXHSCHEMA++ | Schema for FTM. For example, |
++FXHSTORAGEGROUP++ | FTM storage group. |
++FXHTBLSPCDIST++ | You can specify a maximum of 3 chars to use to distinguish between the names of different table spaces. For example, if you have multiple instances of FTM. |
++UNLOADHLQ++ | PDS high-level qualifier. Used by the UNLOAD/LOAD database migration JCL to store the unloaded data. |