Pain.001 High Priority Payments

On submission of the Pain.001_110Pmnts_ALLHIGH.xml file, the OAC can be used to view how the application processes high priority payments and then sends them in an outbound message.

Pain.001 High Priority Events shows the list of events raised by the application while processing a batch of three high priority payments. From this list of events, the usual procedure for high priority transactions is mapping, validation, creation of outbound objects, completion of outbound objects then the completion of inbound objects.
Figure 1. Pain.001 High Priority Events
Pain.001 High Priority Transmission displays the series of events leading to the completion of the inbound transmission.
Figure 2. Pain.001 High Priority Transmission
Pain.001 High Priority Transaction List shows the list of transactions, both inbound and outbound, created during the processing of this message.
Figure 3. Pain.001 High Priority Transaction List
Pain.001 High Priority Outbound Batch shows the outbound batch and it's history from creation to completion.
Figure 4. Pain.001 High Priority Outbound Batch