IBM® Transformation Extender SWIFT maps
FTM provides a set of mappers for some of the more commonly used SWIFT messages. Maps are provided to convert the SWIFT messages into ISF records (inbound maps) and to convert ISF records into SWIFT messages (outbound maps).
The maps that are provided are for the following SWIFT MT messages.
- MT200
- MT202
- MT203
- MT204
- MT210
- MT900
- MT910
- MT920
- MT940
- MT942
- MT950
- MTn98
- MTn99
The mappers are distributed in the following subfolders:
- FTM_WTX_Schemas
- FTM_Pack_SWIFT_MTyyyy
- FTM WTX SWIFT MT Outbound Maps yyyy
- FTM WTX SWIFT MT Inbound Maps yyyy
Note: FTM supports SWIFT maps for multiple years. The maps are provided in subfolders
that contain the release year, which is indicated by yyyy.
The names of the inbound maps and outbound maps folders can be changed, but the names of the FTM_WTX_Schemas and FTM_Pack_SWIFT_MTyyyy folder cannot be modified. Their relative location in regard to the inbound and outbound maps also cannot be changed.