HVP business application header mapper - HVPMessageRouter

These HVPMessageRouter mappers are a pair of wrapper mappers that act as routers to message body mappers for incoming and outgoing messages that use the ISO 20022 or SWIFT specifications.


The HVP business application header mappers, HVPMessageRouterInbound and HVPMessageRouterOutbound, are used for incoming and outgoing messages that incorporate the following content.
  • The ISO 20022 specification business application header content.
  • The Swift specification application header content.
These messages consist of an outer wrapper element and the following inner elements.
This element contains the business application header or application header data.
This element contains the main body of the message.

A message that needs to be mapped arrives in the HVP message router and is processed in a manner similar to that of the ISOMessageRouter. Root elements are created and populated in the mapped document. Then, the message is routed to an appropriate body mapper to map the body of the document before it returns to the HVP message router. Differing from the ISOMessageRouters, the inbound and outbound HVPMessageRouters are also responsible for processing the business application header and application header elements that are used for the relevant specification.

The HVPMessageRouters are generic implementations of mappers that handle wrapped ISO 20022 messages. Scheme-specific mapper instances are derived from these generic implementations. The high value payment application provides scheme-specific sets of mappers, which are instances of the inbound and outbound HVPMessageRouters. Mappers are provided for the schemes that are shown in the following list.
For this scheme, the mappers are CBPR+MessageRouterInbound and CBPR+MessageRouterOutbound.
For this scheme, the mappers are Euro1MessageRouterInbound and Euro1MessageRouterOutbound.
For this scheme, the mappers are Target2MessageRouterInbound and Target2MessageRouterOutbound.
For this scheme, the mappers are NBOMessageRouterInbound and NBOMessageRouterOutbound.
For this scheme, the mappers are RIXMessageRouterInbound and RIXMessageRouterOutbound.
For this scheme, the mappers are Target2MessageRouterInbound and Target2MessageRouterOutbound.

The Message To channels for these payment schemes are configured to use the outbound mapper for the scheme. Similarly, the Message From channels for the payment schemes are configured to use the inbound mapper for the scheme. The following table shows the mappers that are configured for the channels for the different payment schemes.

Table 1. Channels and their respective configured HVPMessageRouter
Channel name Mapper
Message From CBPR+ Gateway CBPR+MessageRouterInbound
Message To CBPR+ Gateway CBPR+MessageRouterOutbound
Message From Euro1 Euro1MessageRouterInbound
Message To Euro1 Euro1MessageRouterOutbound
Message From Kronos2 Target2MessageRouterInbound
Message To Kronos2 Target2MessageRouterOutbound
Message From NBO NBOMessageRouterInbound
Message To NBO NBOMessageRouterOutbound
Message From RIX RIXMessageRouterInbound
Message To RIX RIXMessageRouterOutbound
Message From Target2 Target2MessageRouterInbound
Message To Target2 Target2MessageRouterOutbound


Incoming messages to be mapped to ISF by using the HVPMessageRouterInbound mapper are processed in the following manner. The message type is determined by examining the child element of the <Document> element. If the message contains <AppHdr> content, the <Document> element is usually a child element of a wrapper root element. Or, in some cases it is the root element itself.

The following list shows the names of the child elements and their associated message type.
  • <FIToFICstmrCdtTrf> indicates a pacs.008.* message.
  • <FICdtTrf> indicates a pacs.009.* message.
  • <FIToFIPmtStsRpt> indicates a pacs.002.* message.
  • <PmtRtr> indicates a pacs.004.* message
  • <FIToFIPmtCxlReq> indicates a camt.056.* message.
  • <xsys.011.001.01> indicates an xsys.011.* message.
  • <xsys.011.001.02> indicates an xsys.011.* message.
  • <xsys.012.001.01> indicates an xsys.012.* message.
  • <xsys.012.001.02> indicates an xsys.012.* message.
  • <RsltnOfInvstgtn> indicates a camt.029.* message.
  • <RctAck> indicates an admi.007.* message.
  • <Rct> indicates a camt.025.* message.
  • <BkToCstmrStmt> indicates a camt.053.* message.
  • <BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn> indicates a camt.054.* message.

The CONFIG=entry, which is stored as a channel parameter, and the identified message type are used to retrieve the <msgTypeCfg> entry from the value table. The <msgTypeCfg> entry contains the name of the body mapper to use to map the received message.

For example, the Message From Target2 channel can be configured to use the Target2MessageRouterInbound mapper by using a CONFIG=HVP_MAP_CFG_MSG_FROM_TARGET2 parameter. When a pacs.008.001.08 message is received from the channel, the HVPMessageRouterInbound mapper determines that it is a pacs.008.* message based on the FIToFICstmrCdtTrf element. Then, each <msgTypeCfg> entry with category HVP_MAP_CFG_MSG_FROM_TARGET2 in the value table is examined. When a <msgTypeCfg> entry with a <type> child element that matches pacs.008.* is found, its <mapName> element is used to get the name of the body mapper to use for the received message. For example, Pacs008ToISFMapper.

If a <msgTypeCfg> entry with a matching <type> value is not found, an exception with a mapper not found error occurs.

The following table shows sample configuration entries for the value table.
Table 2. Sample configuration entries in the value table
Category Key Configuration value
HVP_MAP_CFG_MSG_FROM_TARGET2 msgTypeCfg_pacs.008
Note: The <type> element matches and the <mapName> element identifies the correct mapper.
HVP_MAP_CFG_MSG_FROM_TARGET2 msgTypeCfg_pacs.002
HVP_MAP_CFG_MSG_FROM_TARGET2 msgTypeCfg_admi.007
HVP_MAP_CFG_MSG_FROM_TARGET2 msgTypeCfg_xsys.011

After the mapper to be used for the body of the incoming message is identified, HVPMessageRouterInbound sets environment variables before the message is redirected to the body mapper. These variables are used by the body mapper to determine where in the incoming message to begin mapping from.

The incoming message is then redirected from the Route to Label node in the HVPMessageRouterInbound mapper to the appropriate dedicated body mapper. When the body mapper is finished, the message is redirected back to the HVPMessageRouterInbound mapper.

When the message is returned from the body mapper, the HVPMessageRouterInbound mapper can override or enrich the result of the body mapper. For example, it can set the ISF header elements and database columns for SENDER and RECEIVER so that they prioritize the values that are found in the business application header structure. Also, if the message body has NONREF as the identifier value for a key field like MsgId, HVPMessageRouterInbound sets the database CID column to reflect the BizMsgIdr value found in the business application header data instead. A NONREF identifier value is the case for the following payment schemes.
  • EURO1
  • Kronos2
  • NBO
  • RIX
  • T2
If the entire <AppHdr> element was present in the original message, it is appended to the now-mapped ISF as the last child element under the <Addenda> element.
The following figure shows the inbound HVP message wrapper mapper.
HVPMessageRouterInbound.subflow diagram
The following figure is an example of the inbound ISO mapper.
Pacs008ToISFMapper.subflow diagram

Sample mapped ISF, including addenda, from inbound pacs.008 message from T2

<isf:ISFMessage xmlns:isf="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/ftm/isf/v3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
      <PartyRole xsi:type="isf:DebtorRole">
         <Player xsi:type="isf:Party">
            <Identification xsi:type="isf:OrganisationIdentification">
                  <Name>Debtor name</Name>
      <PartyRole xsi:type="isf:DebtorAgentRole">
         <Player xsi:type="isf:FinancialInstitution"/>
      <PartyRole xsi:type="isf:CreditorAgentRole">
         <Player xsi:type="isf:FinancialInstitution"/>
      <PartyRole xsi:type="isf:CreditorRole">
         <Player xsi:type="isf:Party">
            <Identification xsi:type="isf:OrganisationIdentification">
                  <Name>Creditor name</Name>
      <PaymentExecution xsi:type="isf:ISFPaymentInstruction">
         <AgentRole xsi:type="isf:InstructingAgentRole">
            <Player xsi:type="isf:FinancialInstitution">
               <Identification xsi:type="isf:OrganisationIdentification">
         <AgentRole xsi:type="isf:InstructedAgentRole">
            <Player xsi:type="isf:FinancialInstitution">
               <Identification xsi:type="isf:OrganisationIdentification">
            <InterbankSettlementAmount Currency="EUR">200</InterbankSettlementAmount>
            <PartyRole xsi:type="isf:SettlementInstructionSystemRole">
                  <Identification CodeIssuer="ExternalCashClearingSystem">TGT</Identification>
      <PaymentObligation xsi:type="isf:ISFPaymentObligation">
         <PartyRole xsi:type="isf:UltimateDebtorRole">
            <Player xsi:type="isf:Party">
               <Identification xsi:type="isf:OrganisationIdentification">
                     <Name>Ultimate debtor name</Name>
         <PartyRole xsi:type="isf:UltimateCreditorRole">
            <Player xsi:type="isf:Party">
               <Identification xsi:type="isf:OrganisationIdentification">
                     <Name>Ultimate creditor name</Name>
   <Addenda xmlns:isfa="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/ftm/isf/v3/Addenda">
      <isfa:HVPAppHdr xmlns:head="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:head.001.001.02">
         <head:Fr xmlns:head="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:head.001.001.02">
         <head:To xmlns:head="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:head.001.001.02">
         <head:BizMsgIdr xmlns:head="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:head.001.001.02">B2021012710112908008in_ct_good</head:BizMsgIdr>
         <head:MsgDefIdr xmlns:head="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:head.001.001.02">pacs.008.001.08</head:MsgDefIdr>
         <head:CreDt xmlns:head="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:head.001.001.02">2021-01-28T10:12:12</head:CreDt>


Outgoing messages to be mapped from ISF by using the HVPMessageMapperOutbound mapper are processed similar to the ISOMessageRouterOutbound mapper. For outgoing messages, the channel parameter config value and ISF business concept of the outgoing message are used to retrieve the <msgTypeCfg> entry from the value table. The channel parameter is used as the category and the ISF business concept is used to match the <subType> child element of <msgTypeCfg>. The <msgTypeCfg> entry contains the name of the body mapper to use to map the outgoing message. For more information, see ISOMessageRouterOutbound.

The following table shows sample configuration entries for the value table.
Table 3. Sample <defaultMsgTypeCfg> configuration value table entries for outbound messages to T2
Category Key Configuration value
Note: The <name>BAH_FR_CLRSYS_MMBID</name> entry is provided by default only in the HVP_MAP_CFG_MSG_TO_TARGET2 configuration category as a T2 requirement.

After the mapper to be used for the body of the outgoing message is identified, HVPMessageMapperOutbound sets environment variables before the message is redirected to the body mapper. These variables are used by the body mapper to determine where in the outgoing message to begin mapping from. HVPMessageMapperOutbound also creates and populates the elements for the business application header.

Before it redirects the message to the dedicated body mapper, HVPMessageMapperOutbound also creates the following initial elements of the mapped document. The HVP_MAP_CFG_MSG_TO_SCHEME or the <defaultMsgTypeCfg> configuration provides some of these values.
  • The root element is created and a namespace is assigned by using values that are found in <defaultMsgTypeCfg>. The default values for the root element and namespace are <Message> and http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/ftm/hvp/v1.
  • The <AppHdr> element is created. For more information about the structure and values, see Table 4.
  • The initial elements for the main body of the message are created. For example, Message/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf. The body mapper places its mapped elements after these initial elements.
Table 4. Business application header elements
Path Description Value that is used
AppHdr/Fr/FIId/FinInstnId/BICFI Identifies the message sender. The element uses the value that comes from the first available location in this list.
  1. The AppHdr/Fr/FIId/FinInstnId/BICFI value found in the ISF Addenda structure.
  2. The sender value found in the ISF Header structure.
  3. The BAH_FR_BIC value found in the HVP_MAP_CFG_MSG_TO_SCHEME or <defaultMsgTypeCfg> configuration value.
  4. The appropriate value found within the message body structure.
AppHdr/Fr/FIId/FinInstnId/ClrSysMmbId/MmbId Clearing system member identification. It is required in messages that are sent to T2. If this value was not provided by the originating message from the channel, the element uses the BAH_FR_CLRSYS_MMBID value that is found in the HVP_MAP_CFG_MSG_TO_SCHEME or <defaultMsgTypeCfg> configuration, if it exists. By default, this configuration value is only provided in the T2 configuration because population of this element is a T2 requirement only.
AppHdr/To/FIId/FinInstnId/BICFI Identifies the message recipient. The element uses the value that comes from the first available location in this list.
  1. The AppHdr/To/FIId/FinInstnId/BICFI value found in the ISF Addenda structure.
  2. The receiver value found in the ISF Header structure.
  3. The BAH_TO_BIC value found in the HVP_MAP_CFG_MSG_TO_SCHEME or <defaultMsgTypeCfg> configuration value.
  4. The appropriate value found within message body structure
AppHdr/BizMsgIdr Unambiguously identifies the business message to the messaging endpoint that created the business message. The element uses the value that comes from the first available location in this list.
  1. The AppHdr/BizMsgIdr value found in the ISF Addenda structure.
  2. The value found within the message body structure, if that value is not NONREF. The following list shows which value is used for the message type.
    • Mapping to pacs.008.* or pacs.009.*, populate from ISFMessage/CreditTransfer/AlternativeTransactionIdentification/IdentificationValue.
    • Mapping to pacs.004.*, populate from ISFMessage/CreditReturn/AlternativeTransactionIdentification/IdentificationValue.
    • Mapping to pacs.002.*, populate from ISFMessage/Acknowledgement/GeneralInformation/StatusMessageIdentification.
    • Mapping to camt.056.* or camt.029.*, populate from ISFMessage/CreditInvestigation/Case/AssignmentIdentification.
    • Mapping to pacs.010.*, populate from ISFMessage/DirectDebit/AlternativeTransactionIdentification/IdentificationValue.
    • Mapping to camt.052.*, camt.053.*, camt.054.*, camt.057.*, or camt.060.*, populate from ISFMessage/AccountReport/OtherReference/Identification.
  3. The TransactionRef value found in the ISF Header.
AppHdr/MsgDefIdr Contains the message identifier that defines the business message. It must contain a message identifier that is published on the ISO 20022 website. An appropriate value that is retrieved from an appropriate mapping configuration entry. Some examples are shown in the following list.
  • pacs.008.001.08
  • pacs.009.001.08
  • pacs.004.001.09
  • pacs.002.001.10
  • camt.029.001.09
  • camt.056.001.08
AppHdr/CreDt Date and time that this business message (header) was created. The element uses head.001.001.01, which requires ISONormalisedDateTime and the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss, for the following messages.
  • Messages to EURO1.
  • Messages to Kronos2.
  • Messages to T2.

The element uses head.001.001.02, which requires ISODateTime and the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z', for the following messages.
  • Messages to the CBPR+ gateway.
  • Messages to NBO.
  • Messages to RIX.
A user-defined property on the HVPMessageRouterOutbound subflow allows the <AppHdr> content of an outgoing message to be built by using version 1 (v1) or version 2 (v2) of the head.001 message definition. The different schemes use different versions of the head.001 message definition. The following scheme messages require head.001 v1.
  • EURO1
  • Kronos2
  • T2
The following scheme messages require head.001 v2. By default HVPMessageRouterOutbound uses head.001 v1, so this value is overridden in the instance of the mapper for each of these schemes.
  • CBPR+
  • NBO
  • RIX

The outgoing message is then redirected from the Route to Label node in the HVPMessageRouterOutbound mapper to the appropriate dedicated body mapper. When the body mapper is finished, the message is redirected back to the HVPMessageRouterOutbound mapper.

The following figure shows the outbound HVP wrapper mapper.
HVPMessageMapperOutbound.subflow diagram
The following figure is an example of the outbound ISO mapper.
ISFToPacs002Mapper.subflow diagram

Sample mapped outbound pacs.008 message to T2, including business application header content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Message xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/ftm/hvp/v1">
   <AppHdr xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:head.001.001.01">
   <Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.008.001.08">
            <IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">525.25</IntrBkSttlmAmt>
               <Nm>ABC Corporation</Nm>
                  <StrtNm>The Empire State Building, 5th Ave</StrtNm>
                  <BldgNb>45, Apt. 303</BldgNb>
                  <PstCd>NY 10118</PstCd>
                  <TwnNm>New York</TwnNm>
               <Nm>BCD Corporation</Nm>
                  <StrtNm>Canal Street</StrtNm>
                  <TwnNm>New York</TwnNm>
                  <CtrySubDvsn>New York</CtrySubDvsn>