- PresentmentStateChange
- PresentmentColumnChange
- PresentmentGroupColumnChange
This is
an example of using the PresentmentStatesEventHandler to perform risk checks:
<NAME>Risk Management - States Reached</NAME>
<PARAMETER name="msgType">performRiskCheck</PARAMETER>
<PARAMETER name="condition">accepted</PARAMETER>
<PARAMETER name="group.condition">accepted</PARAMETER>
<PARAMETER name="pending">N</PARAMETER>
<PARAMETER name="forwardReturn">F,D</PARAMETER>
In this example, the !LOCKED state is added so that the Risk Management engine ensures that the batch (ICL) is not locked by another application prior to performing the risk checks. In addition, by adding it into the event stanza, the message is not sent if the batch (ICL) is already locked. The msgType parameter defines the type of message to send. The forwardReturn parameter defines which type, or types, of batches (ICLs) are risk checked. Use F to check forward batches (ICLs) and D to check dishonored return batches (ICLs). Return batches (ICLs) and contested dishonored return batches (ICLs) should use the performRiskReturn. The PARAMETERREF elements refer to parameter sets defined elsewhere in the scheduler XML file that define the properties necessary for sending a message to the Risk Management engine. For more information about using parameter sets, see Parameter sets in the scheduler.