Installation files

The Digital Payments reference application is installed during the installation of Financial Transaction Manager for Digital Payments. For more information about installing FTM for Digital Payments, see Installation overview.

The following table shows the files that support the Digital Payments reference application. 
Note: The tables show all of the path names in an AIX® directory format. Use the appropriate path delimiters for the operating system that is being used.
Table 1. Digital Payments reference application installation files
File name Description
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/unix/build/AchRefConfig.sql Static configuration definitions for operating systems such as AIX.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/unix/build/AchRefFsm.sql Finite state machine data for operating systems such as AIX.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/unix/build/AchRefGroupPerm.sql FTM OAC group permission data for operating systems such as AIX.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/unix/build/AchRefResourcePerm.sql FTM OAC resource permission data for operating systems such as AIX.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/unix/build/AchRefViewAllNoSecure.sql FTM OAC access without WebSphere® Application Server security for operating systems such as AIX.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/unix/build/AchRefViewAllSecure.sql FTM OAC access with WebSphere Application Server security for operating systems such as AIX.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/win/build/AchRefConfig.sql Static configuration definitions for the Windows operating system.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/win/build/AchRefFsm.sql Finite state machine data for the Windows operating system.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/win/build/AchRefGroupPerm.sql FTM OAC group permission data for the Windows operating system.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/win/build/AchRefResourcePerm.sql FTM OAC resource permission data for the Windows operating system.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/win/build/AchRefViewAllNoSecure.sql FTM OAC access without WebSphere Application Server security for the Windows operating system.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Database/win/build/AchRefViewAllSecure.sql FTM OAC access with WebSphere Application Server security for the Windows operating system.
install_directory/digitalpayments/v3213/Integration/messagebroker/ Prebuilt IBM® App Connect Enterprise archive file.
install_directory/digitalpayments/v3213/Integration/messagebroker/ Reference application project interchange file.
install_directory/digitalpayments/v3213/Integration/messagebroker/ Installation script for the reference application.
install_directory/digitalpayments/v3213/ACH/Sample_ACH_Data Directory that contains sample ACH control total data files.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/utilities/MQ/unix/achQueues-CreateReference.txt IBM MQ script to create the reference queues on operating systems such as AIX.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/utilities/MQ/win/achQueues-CreateReference.txt IBM MQ script to create the reference queues on the Windows operating system.
install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/Integration/WTXMaps/ControlTotal_In Directory that contains the inbound control total WebSphere Transformation Extender map runtime artifacts.

The project interchange files contain the IBM App Connect Toolkit and Rational® Software Architect projects for the Digital Payments reference application.

The following table shows the IBM App Connect Toolkit projects that are needed to use the Digital Payments reference application project interchange file.
Table 2. Digital Payments reference application IBM App Connect Toolkit projects
Project Description Project interchange file
FTM Core CBE The message set project for events that conform to the Common Base Event specification. FXH/wmb/core/
FTM Core Flows This project contains the FTM core common flows. FXH/wmb/core/
FTM Core Flows Ext This project contains the FTM core extension flows. FXH/wmb/core/
FTM Core ISF for Payments V3 FTM ISF version 3 message set project. FXH/wmb/core/
FTM EndMapper FTM end mapper message set project. FXH/wmb/core/
FTM SWIFT MT Flows This project contains the FTM common mapper flows. FXH/wmb/core/
FTM Core WTX This project contains the FTM WebSphere Transformation Extender integration flows. FXH/wmb/mappers/
FTM Generic Model Actions This project contains the actions for the generic FSMs. FXH/wmb/generic/
FTM Sample App pain.001.001.03 Pain.001.001.03 message set project. FXH/samples/Sample App/
FTM ACH App Flow project for the reference application. install_directory/digitalpayments/v3213/Integration/messagebroker/
FTM Feature Flows This project contains the feature integration common flows. install_directory/digitalpayments/v3213/Integration/messagebroker/
The following table shows the model projects that are needed to use the Digital Payments reference application model interchange file.
Table 3. Digital Payments reference application Rational Software Architect projects
Project Description Project interchange file
FTM Generic Model Generic FSM common model project. FXH/samples/Sample App/
FTM ACH Model Rational Software Architect modeling project for the reference application. install_directory/digitalpayments/v3213/Integration/messagebroker/