Installation files

The installation directories and files are found in the FTM StoreAndRelease Sample App folder after it was extracted from the file.

This sample application is provided in the following files.
  • install_directory/ftm/v3213/multiplatform/
  • For the FTM Core projects, install_directory/ftm/v3213/multiplatform/
  • For the Generic Model projects, install_directory/ftm/v3213/multiplatform/

For more information about the contents of these files, see Installation and setup.

Installation directories

The following table shows the directories that contain the installation scripts and files for the FTM store and release sample application.
Table 1. Installation directories for the FTM store and release sample application
Directory Description
config/database/db2_luw FTM database installation files for Db2® on Linux®, UNIX, and Windows.
config/database/db2_zos FTM database installation files for Db2 on z/OS®.
config/database/oracle_luw FTM database installation files for Oracle.
config/mq Queue creation files for IBM MQ on all platforms.

Database files

The following table shows the important files in the database directories.
Table 2. Database directory files
Linux, UNIX, and Windows file name z/OS member name Description
ApplyFTM_OpDataNoRestrict.cmd,   Script to toggle the operational view settings for WebSphere® Application Server security on and off. This script calls either the view_all_no_secure.sql or the view_all_secure.sql script, depending on whether the security flag is set to security_on or security_off.
config.sql CONFIG All static configuration definitions. For example, channels, format, mappers, and others.
dev_config.sql DEVCONFIG Sets some runtime settings for development purposes in the database.
fsm.sql FSM Extract from FSM model.
group_permissions.sql GRPPERM FTM OAC group permission data.
resource_permissions.sql RESPERM FTM OAC resource permission data.
Samp_1_Config.cmd, @FTMSJCL Script to install the sample data.
view_all_no_secure.sql VALLNSEC Allows any user who is a member of the FTMUser group to view operational data when WebSphere Application Server security is not used. This script deletes the DATA_PARTY_xxx resource permission entries for the FTM OAC. For more information, see Multibanking.
view_all_secure.sql VALLSEC Allows any user who is a member of the FTMUser group to view operational data when WebSphere Application Server security is used. This script inserts the DATA_PARTY_ALL resource permission entry for the FTM OAC. For more information, see Multibanking.
Note: The SQL for each of the supported operating systems is almost identical. The only differences are just a few minor formatting changes.

IBM MQ files

The directory for the IBM MQ files contains scripts for creating the sample IBM MQ queues. The scripts for each supported operating system are shown in the following table.
Table 3. IBM MQ files
File Operating system
ftmQueues.cmd Windows UNIX