TCH Properties page

This properties page is used to configure the basic runtime parameters for The Clearing House (TCH) support in Real Time Payments.


The columns that are available on the page are shown in the following table.
Table 1. Properties page columns
Column name or function Description
Property Name The name of the property.
Description A description of the property.
Default The default value for the property.
Custom Defined custom value. This value overrides the default value.
The properties for TCH are shown in the following table.
Table 2. TCH properties
Name Description Default Custom value or examples
FTM for IP command queue name The name of the command queue that is used by FTM for Immediate Payments. None FXR.IP.COMMAND
Approval service enabled Indicates whether the TCH actions are sent to Approvals for review. False True, False
Return Payment via the TCH RTP rail Indicates whether to use The Clearing House (TCH) to return the payment. True True, False


The actions that are available on the page are shown in the following list.
  • Open documentation displays the help page.
  • Filter column displays the build filter link that you can use to create a filter for the columns on the page.
  • Search entry field. Typing text in this field automatically filters the properties that are displayed in the table. The table displays only those properties that match what was typed in the search field.
  • Refresh, which updates the displayed properties.
  • Download CSV saves the displayed table view as a .csv file.
  • Customize columns displays a page to select which columns are shown or hidden on the page.
  • Row settings configures the size and the spacing of the text that is displayed in the cells of the table.
  • Reset table configuration changes the table view back to the default configuration.
  • To update a property, click the property name or anywhere in the row to open the edit property dialog box.