Exposure Limit Monitoring page

The exposure limit monitoring page displays the exposure limit monitor records for an originator. It shows basic information about the monitors that are associated with a given monitor date.


The columns that are available on this page are shown in the following table.
Table 1. Exposure limit monitoring columns
Column name Description
Monitor Date The processing date for this exposure limit monitor.
Monitor Id The identifier for this monitor. It is a link to the exposure limit monitors page.
Originator The name of the originator.
Monitor Type The monitor type of this monitor.
Type Value The name of this monitor.
Level Displays the level at which monitoring is performed. For example, at the batch or transaction level.
Global Monitor Indicates whether this monitor is configured to be a global monitor.
Failed Items The number of transactions yet to be reviewed for this monitor. If the number is not zero, it is a link to the suspended work page for this monitor. For more information about the suspended work page, see Suspended Work Page.
Credit Period The number of days that the credit limit was monitored by this monitor.
Credit Total The total value of the credits in this monitor for the monitor date.
Credit Limit The maximum credit amount that this partner can receive for this monitor. If a temporary credit limit was defined for the exposure limit monitor for this monitor date, the temporary limit is displayed in this field.
Available Credit The credit limit subtracted from the credit total.
Debit Period The number of days that the debit limit was monitored by this monitor.
Debit Total The total value of the debits in this monitor for the monitor date.
Debit Limit The maximum debit amount that this partner can receive for this monitor. If a temporary debit limit was defined for the exposure limit monitor for this monitor date, the temporary limit is displayed in this field.
Available Debit The debit limit subtracted from the debit total.

Base data filtering

To filter the list of exposure limit monitors displayed, perform the following:
  1. Select a monitor date. The default for the filter is initially the current business date. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. An example of the date is 2020-05-23. Once the filter is set to a different monitor date, the filter is set to that date until the session expires, the user logs out, or the date is no longer valid.
  2. Use the Filter list to choose a column name on which to filter. To display the unfiltered list, select -- No Filter -- from the Filter list.
    Note: This step is optional.
  3. If a filter is chosen, select a search term.
  4. Use the Go to apply the filter.
    Note: This button must be pressed to process any filter changes.


The available actions for this page are:
  • Help link opens the help page. This link is located in the upper right of the page.
  • View details icon displays the exposure limit monitors details page for the selected exposure limit monitor.