Quick charts

These tables provide a summary guide to the steps to be carried out for a number of tasks described elsewhere in the FTM documentation. You might find it useful to print these tables and use them as a checklist when you are doing the tasks that are described.

Check the release notes for each product and ensure that all prerequisites and recommended fix packs are applied. Also, ensure that all postinstallation procedures were followed.

Table 1. Prerequisites
Prerequisite Result
DB instance creation  
IBM® MQ server  
IBM App Connect Enterprise  
Rational® Software Architect  
IBM App Connect Toolkit  
WebSphere® Application Server is needed only if the FTM Operations and Administration Console is to be installed.  
Table 2. Installation steps
Step Result
Create FTM database.  
Create and configure FTM queue manager.  
Configure the integration node.  
Create an ODBC data source for the integration node.  
Create a JDBC data source for the integration node.  
Install the core FTM flows and message sets.  
Deploy and configure the FTM Operations and Administration Console (optional).  
Deploy and configure the FTM Monitor and FTM Dashboard (optional).