FTM Payment Feature Services tools

The FTM Payment Feature Services tools platform uses Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition web technologies and IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Liberty to provide tools and utilities for Payment Feature Services. The user interface for these tools is similar to the Payment Feature Services WebSphere applications.

The FTM Payment Feature Services tools are installed whenever the following features are installed:
  • FTM for Digital Payments
  • FTM for Corporate Payment Services
The tools that are available are shown in the following list.
ADU Token File Wizard
Creates the deployment parameter information (token) files that are used by the FTM Deployment utility and the Automated deployment utility.

FTM components can log messages from other software that they use, such as CWW messages from WebSphere Application Server. If an error message cannot be found in these lists of messages and error codes, look for the message in the documentation for the other software products.

Running the FTM Payment Feature Services tools when the features are installed on operating systems that have a browser

To use the FTM Payment Feature Services tools, do the following steps:
  1. Verify that the feature installation was completed successfully.
  2. Locate where the tool and the script files are installed on the computer. By default, the files are installed in the following locations:
    • install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/DeploymentUtility/PFSTools.jar
    • install_directory\shared\v3213\pfs\DeploymentUtility\PFSTools.bat
    • install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/DeploymentUtility/PFSTools.sh
  3. Open a command prompt and change to the directory where the tools are installed. Start the utility by running the script file for the appropriate operating system.
    • For the Windows operating system, use the following script. install_directory\shared\v3213\pfs\DeploymentUtility\PFSTools.bat
    • For Linux®, use the following script. install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/DeploymentUtility/PFSTools.sh
  4. A command prompt or terminal window opens and the tools start running. The text in the window displays a web browser URL that is similar to this URL: http://localhost:9080/PFSTools. Use this URL to access the tools by copying it to a web browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  5. Select the tool to run from the menu on the page.

Running the FTM Payment Feature Services tools when the features are installed on operating systems that do not have a browser

To use the FTM Payment Feature Services tools, do the following steps:
  1. Verify that the feature installation was completed successfully.
  2. The tools must be run on a different operating system.
    1. Locate where the tool file is installed for the version of the components to be deployed. By default, the file is installed in the following location:
      • install_directory/shared/v3213/pfs/DeploymentUtility/PFSTools.jar
    2. Copy the PFSTools.jar file to a directory on another operating system that has a browser that is installed, such as Linux or Windows.
  3. Open a command prompt and change to the directory where the JAR file was copied to.
  4. The FTM Payment Feature Services tools use an IBM Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Verify that the JRE can be used by doing the following steps:
    1. If Java is not already specified in the path environment variable of the operating system, add the location of the bin directory of the JRE to the path.
    2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of the JRE.
  5. Start the utility by running the following command. java -jar PFSTools.jar
  6. A command prompt or terminal window opens and the tools start running. The text in the window displays a web browser URL that is similar to this URL: http://localhost:9080/PFSTools. Use this URL to access the tools by copying it to a web browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  7. Select the tool to run from the menu on the page.

Exiting the FTM Payment Feature Services tools

To exit the FTM Payment Feature Services tools, go to the command prompt or terminal window where the PFSTools script was started and press Ctrl+C.