Response to Recall (SCT Inst)
Scenario that describes the end to end processing of a response to a recall, which is initiated by a creditor client.
The response message is sent to the creditor financial institution (FI), forwarded to the clearing and settlement mechanism (CSM). A status message is returned and the CSM either rejects the response to recall and sends back a reject to the creditor FI, or it passes the response to recall to the debtor FI. Once the response message is validated by the debtor FI, a notification to the debtor client.
Response to recall high-level sequence diagram
The following figure shows the high-level sequence diagram for the response to recall
use case:
In the figure, FTM for Immediate Payments is represented by the Debtor FI and Creditor FI
For details of processing, see Creditor FI Outgoing Response to Recall (SCT Inst).