Debtor FI Outgoing Credit Transfer Good

The main Debtor FI Outgoing Credit Transfer flow.

Use Case Summary

There are two variants of the debtor FI outgoing credit transfer good case, depending on whether the debtor and creditor accounts belong to the same financial institution. This special case is called an On Us payment, and the payment does not need to be sent to the CSM for further processing. Such a payment is recognised if the bank code for the creditor FI matches a configured value.

The debtor FI outgoing credit transfer good case consists of the following processing steps:
  1. Not On Us payment
    • FTM for Immediate Payments receives an immediate payment Credit Transfer Request from the Channels interface on behalf of a (debtor) client.
    • The payment is validated and checked for duplicate.
    • Next, the set of services that are configured for the Pre-Check Not On Us set are invoked. This set should just perform validation checks to determine whether the payment can be accepted for submission.
    • On successful completion of the Pre-Check Not On Us services, the set of services (if any) that are configured for the Pre-Submit set are invoked.
    • On successful completion of the Pre-Submit services, the payment is accepted for submission, and a credit transfer request is created to submit to the CSM.
    • The credit transfer request is sent to the CSM, which, after successful processing, responds with a positive acknowledgment. A check is performed here to see if the Credit Transfer is sent in response to a Request for Payment, and if so, an event is raised to signal the Request for Payment process.
    • Next, the set of services that are configured for the Post-Submit Accept set are invoked.
    • On successful completion of the Post-Submit Accept services, FTM for Immediate Payments updates the position and completes the SLA (not implemented yet) and sends an acknowledgment to the Channels interface, which in turn may provide a notification to the (creditor) client.
    • If the acknowledgement from the CSM indicated an accept without posting status, FTM for Immediate Payments then waits until a Payment Acknowledgement by Receiver message for the payment is received before setting the final completion status.
  2. On Us payment
    • FTM for Immediate Payments receives an immediate payment Credit Transfer Request from the Channels interface on behalf of a (debtor) client.
    • The payment is validated and checked for duplicate.
    • Next, the set of services that are configured for the Pre-Check On Us set are invoked. This set should just perform validation checks to determine whether the payment can be accepted for submission.
    • On successful completion of the Pre-Check On Us services, the Accounting DebitCredit request is invoked to charge the debtor's account and book funds to the creditor's account. The Accounting service replies with a successful response.
    • FTM for Immediate Payments updates the position and completes the SLA (not implemented yet) and sends an acknowledgment to the Channels interface, which in turn may provide a notification to the (creditor) client.

Use Case High-Level Sequence Diagram

The high-level sequence diagram for both variants of the debtor FI outgoing credit transfer good case looks as shown in the following figure:
Note: The diagram illustrates sets of optional services within parallel groups for each of the service sets Pre-Check On Us, Pre-Check Not On Us, Pre-Submit, Post-Submit Accept. The services shown depict services that may typically be included in the set. The actual services to be invoked, and whether they are invoked in parallel or serially is determined by configuration.
Figure 1. Debtor FI Outgoing Credit Transfer Good - high-level sequence diagram

Use Case Detailed Sequence Diagram

The detailed sequence diagram is split into three parts.
Figure 2. Valid Outgoing Payment: Part 1 of 3
Figure 3. Valid Outgoing Payment: Part 2 of 3
Figure 4. Valid Outgoing Payment: Part 3 of 3

Use Case Simple Object Lifecycle Diagram

Figure 5. Debtor FI Outgoing Credit Transfer

Received Status Transaction Simple Object Lifecycle Diagram

Figure 6. Received Status Transaction