Handling ISF Extensions in Outbound ITX Mappers

The OutMapper schema used by the Outbound maps and integration flows references the ISF Transaction element from the ISF core payment schemas. This facilitates ITX mapping to this schema without the need to construct more specific schemas. If the map needs to reference elements defined in an extension of the standard ISF then it is recommended that you construct a wrapper schema. The following code snippet shows this implemented for the sample application ISF extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/ftm/OutMapper"

			<!-- include the base xsd -->
       <include schemaLocation="OutMapper.xsd"/>

			<!-- import the isf extension -->
       <import namespace="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/ftm/isf/v3/sample"

			<!-- Include group definition to ensure the imported schema definitions are active-->
       <group name="FTMSampleAppTransactionElements">
                       <element ref="isfs:RepairRequest"/>
                       <element ref="isfs:RepairResponse"/>
                       <element ref="isfs:LiquidityRequest"/>
                       <element ref="isfs:LiquidityResponse"/>

Note: The definition of the group in this schema does not introduce any new entity that will be reflected in the structures you are mapping to. This group is just introduced to force a reference to the entities that are defined in ISFForFTMSampleApp_v3.xsd as a workaround to a limitation in the way ITX processes the XSD.