Configure FTM

To configure FTM, do the following steps.
  1. Create an installation data set for FTM. The recommended name is FTMVvrm.OINSTLIB, where vrm represents the FTM version, release, and modification level. For example, in TSO, enter:
    Data Set Name . . . : FTMV3213.OINSTLIB
    Organization  . . . : PO
    Record format . . . : FB
    Record length . . . : 80

    2 MB of storage space is sufficient for this data set.

  2. Copy the contents of the following SMP/E z/OS® UNIX System Services directories into the installation data set for FTM.
  3. Make a copy of the installation data set for FTM and work only with the copy. Save the original as a backup. The recommended name for the copy is FTMVvrm.INSTLIB.
  4. The member @@2MACRO maps each configuration placeholder to the value that it is to have. Determine the appropriate value for each of the configuration placeholders and update @@2MACRO. For more information, see Table 1.
  5. Run @@1REXX to replace each placeholder in the FTM installation data set members with the corresponding value that is specified in @@2MACRO. For example, to run @@1REXX for FTMV3213.INSTLIB, issue the following commands in ISPF option 6 (commands):
    %@@1REXX 'FTMV3213.INSTLIB' @@2MACRO
  6. The FTMDDL02 database script needs to be revised to ensure that each table space configuration meets the requirements of your system. If this system is for a production or test environment with large volumes, you might also need to change the table space definitions to auto extend as needed.
  7. Check the customized DDL and JCL files before you continue.
Table 1. Configuration placeholders for FTM
Placeholder Description
++FXHINSTALLATIONLIB++ Installation library for FTM.

For example, FTMV3213.INSTLIB

++DB2HLQ++ Db2® high-level qualifier.

For example, SYS2.DB2.V10


For example, DH08

++DB2LOCATION++ Db2 location.
++DB2RUNLIB++ The catalog name that is used by the CREATE STOGROUP command Db2 RUNLIB.

For example, DSN91008.RUNLIB.LOAD

++DB2DSNTEP2PLAN++ Plan for DSNTEP2 in the Db2 subsystem.
++FXHSTORAGEGROUP++ FTM storage group.

For example, FTMSG

++FXHDATABASE++ FTM database name.

For example, FTMDB

++FXHCCSID++ The CCSID used in the CREATE DATABASE statement:

This variable was set to UNICODE in the @@2MACRO member. It is the recommended value for FTM.

++FXHSCHEMA++ Schema for FTM.

For example, FTM

++FXHTBLSPCDIST++ Distinguishes between the table space names if you are using multiple instances. It is a maximum of three characters.

For example, FTM

++FXHBUFFERPOOL++ 4 K buffer pool for base tables.

For example, BP1

++FXHBUFFERPOOL8K++ 8 K buffer pool.
++FXHBUFFERPOOL16K++ 16 K buffer pool used by LOB table spaces.
++FXHBUFFERPOOL32K++ 32 K buffer pool that is used by the transmission and transactional operational tables.
++FXHINDEXBP++ 4 K index buffer pool for the index spaces.
++FXHINDEXBP8K++ 8 K index buffer pool for the index spaces.
++FXHTBSSTOPRI_ST++ Storage group PRIQTY used for static data table spaces.
++FXHTBSSTOSEC_ST++ Storage group SECQTY used for static data table spaces.
++FXHTBSSTOPRI_OP++ Storage group PRIQTY used for operational data table spaces.
++FXHTBSSTOSEC_OP++ Storage group SECQTY used for operational data table spaces.
++FXHTBSSTOPRI_TL++ Storage group PRIQTY used for all LOB table spaces.
++FXHTBSSTOSEC_TL++ Storage group SECQTY used for all LOB table spaces.
++FXHTBSSTOPRI_I++ Storage group PRIQTY used for all indexes.
++FXHTBSSTOSEC_I++ Storage group SECQTY used for all indexes.
++FXHPLTBSP++ The name of the table space where the PURGE_LIST tables are.
++WMQHLQ++ IBM® MQ high-level-qualifier.

For example, MQM.Vnnn

++FXHQUEUEMANAGER++ Queue manager.

For example, MQDV

++FXHQPREFIX++ Queue prefix for the FTM queues.

For example, FTM3213

++FXHSAMPAPPQPREFIX++ Prefix for the sample application queues.

For example, SAMP3213

Note: The combined length of ++FXHQPREFIX++ and ++FXHSAMPAPPQPREFIX++ must not exceed 14 characters. The IBM MQ installation job for the sample application fails if the prefixes are too long.
++FXHFRAGSAMPQPREFIX++ Prefix for the fragmentation sample application queues.

For example, FRAG3213

Note: The combined length of ++FXHQPREFIX++ and ++FXHSAMPAPPQPREFIX++ must not exceed 14 characters. The IBM MQ installation job for the sample application fails if the prefixes are too long.
++FXHODMSAMPQPREFIX++ Prefix for the ODM integration sample application queues.

For example, ODM3213

Note: The combined length of ++FXHQPREFIX++ and ++FXHSAMPAPPQPREFIX++ must not exceed 14 characters. The IBM MQ installation job for the sample application fails if the prefixes are too long.
++LESCEERUN++ Language Environment® RUNLIB.

For example, PP.ADLE370.ZOS190.SCEERUN