
Table 1 shows the summary data logged for each DSU import operation.
Table 1. CSV Summary Data for the Import Operation
Value Description
Worksheet Name The name of the configuration data worksheet used for the import operation
Import Mode The mode used to import the configuration data. Valid import modes are Insert, InsertUpdate, Update, and Replace.
Rows Processed The total number of rows from the configuration data worksheet that were processed
Database Table Name The name of the database table into which the configuration data was imported
Records Deleted The number of records deleted from the database table during the import operation
Records Inserted The number of records inserted into the database table during the import operation
Records Updated The number of records updated in the database table during the import operation
Records Unchanged The number of records in the database table that were not affected during the import operation
Start Time The time at which the import operation started
End Time The time at which the import operation ended
Duration Time The total elapsed time used to perform the import operation
The CSV summary log file for the import operation has the following naming convention: YYYYMMDD_HHmmss_SSS_inRulesFileName_Summary.csv where:
is the year
is the month
is the day
is the hour
are minutes
are seconds
are milliseconds
is the name, without the file extension, of the configuration data workbook specified in the inRulesFileName property