Example 4

In this example:
  • PartyIdentifier in (Code)(CountryCode)(Identifier) representation
  • (Identifier) does not exceed the 27 character limit (note: Issuer here counts as part of the identifier length)
  • NameAndAddress Code 6 does not exceed the length constraints for a single line
  • NameAndAddress Code 7 exceeds the length constraints for a single line and is continued in NameAndAddress Code 8
  • MT's F50F representation:
    DRLC/IE/Car Authority/123456789-123
    	1/Doe John
    	6/IE/XYZ Bank/987654321-12345
  • ISF V3 representation:
      <PartyRole xsi:type="isf:DebtorRole">
        <Player xsi:type="isf:Person">
          <Identification xsi:type="isf:PersonIdentification">
              <Name>Doe John</Name>
          <Identification xsi:type="isf:PersonIdentification">
            <OtherIdentification xsi:type="isf:GenericIdentification">
                <OwnerCode>IE/Car Authority</OwnerCode>
          <Identification xsi:type="isf:PersonIdentification">
            <OtherIdentification xsi:type="isf:GenericIdentification">
                <OwnerCode>IE/XYZ Bank</OwnerCode>
          <Identification xsi:type="isf:PersonIdentification">