Building ISF message sets for IBM App Connect Enterprise
The ISF schemas can be easily imported in the IBM® App Connect
Toolkit to produce a message set:
- Create a new message set project.
- Open the message set file messageSet.mset.
- Under the XML Wire Format, Datetime settings, set the default dateTime format property to I and save the file.
- For each schema file, create a New Message Definition File From XML Schema File. For the ISF Payments
schema, the ideal order to choose the schema files is:
This chooses the lower files in the hierarchy of schema files first, and finishes with the highest. Alternatively, disable automatic build until all the message definition files are created.ISFDocumentCore_v3.xsd ISFDTTypes_v3.xsd ISFBCTypes_v3.xsd ISFTypes_v3.xsd ISFAckTxn_v3.xsd ISFCommandTxn_v3.xsd ISFSwiftMTTxn_v3.xsd ISFForPayments_v3.xsd