Transaction data content

The ISF core defines an abstract element called a transaction that is referenced in the content of ISFMessage. Each new extension typically defines new transaction elements, that is, substitute elements for a Transaction that can then be used in an ISF XML document.

The core data types and business component based complex types provide a rich set of reusable types that may be used to define the content for a new transaction type.

A new element that is a substitute for Transaction, can use any business-component-based complex type as its type. Alternatively, it can use any new type that is derived from such a complex type, or any new type that is derived from ISFBase.

When choosing a type for a new transaction element, the first choice would be an existing business component type. If an existing business component provides a good match for the required content, but is missing some content, a new type that extends the business component would be the second preference. Finally, a new type that extends ISFBase may be created to include the required content. Such a type typically uses existing business components as building blocks for the types of its elements.

It is good practice to choose a target namespace, that is unique to the extension, for all new elements and types that are defined as part of an extension.
Note: For examples, see Standard extensions.