Automated retry of Risk prefund errors

Calling the Risk prefunded user exit can be automatically retried when the user exit returns certain errors.

Depending on the exposure limit monitor configurations, account configurations, or both, the Risk prefunded user exit can be called for incoming work. When the prefunded user exit returns an error, it is considered a monitor failure and the work is suspended or rejected based on the configuration of the error code returned. Specific error codes that are returned by the Risk prefunded user exit can be configured to automatically call the user exit again at periodic intervals.

The following configuration is needed to automate the retry of Risk prefunded user exit errors.
  • Define the Risk prefunded error codes that you want to automatically retry calling the user exit for. You can also define the number of retry attempts and the interval to use for each error code. Add the error code configuration to the RETRY_CONFIG table in the Business Rules schema. The error codes are marked for the RISK_PREFUND category.
  • Configure the Business Rules web services. For more information, see Create a WebSphere Application Server Liberty server for the web services.
  • Configure a Services Framework retry task to run periodically. For more information about setting up this task, see Services Framework task registration and configuration.
When the Risk prefunded user exit has an error processing work, it returns an error code to the Risk engine. The Risk engine calls a Business Rules web service to check whether the error code is configured to automatically retry the user exit.
  • If the error code is not configured for automated retry, the Risk engine continues with the normal work flow.
  • If the error code is configured for automated retry, the unit of work is available to be retried.
When the retry task runs, it looks for the units of work that are available to be retried. For each unit of work that was found, the task sends the Risk engine a message to start the retry. When the Risk engine receives this message, it calls the Risk prefunded user exit for the unit of work that was received in the message.
  • If the user exit does not return an error, the retry processing is complete and the Risk engine continues with the normal processing.
  • If the user exit still returns an error code, the Risk engine calls a Business Rules web service to determine whether the user exit can be retried again. If the number of retry attempts are exhausted, the Risk engine suspends or rejects the unit of work based on the configuration for the error code that was returned. The retry processing is complete for this unit of work.