ISF core schemas

The ISF core provides definitions for structures that are common to all ISF application areas, including:
  • Structure of Transaction Document and ISFMessage.
  • Definition of structures (schema complex types) corresponding to the complete set of business components in the ISO20022 Data Dictionary. These provide the main building blocks to define the business data content of Transactions.
  • Definition of schema Simple types corresponding to data types in the ISO20022 Data Dictionary.
  • Common extensions to some business components.
The core of the ISF schema is made up of several schema files. The file ISFTypes_v3.xsd is the primary file for the ISF Core and it includes the remaining core schema files.
Table 1. Schema files for the ISF core schemas. These schema files share the common namespace of the ISF Core.
Schema file Description
ISFDocumentCore_v3.xsd This contains the definition of the main structure, or envelope, of an ISF document, and the base type for all business components. For more information, see Transaction document.
ISFDTTypes_v3.xsd This contains a Simple Type definition for each data type within the ISO20022 Data Dictionary that is referenced by the business components. Comments carry the semantic definitions from the ISO20022 Data Dictionary.
ISFBCTypes_v3.xsd This contains a complex type definition for each business component within the ISO20022 Data Dictionary. The properties of the business component (Business Elements and Business Associations) are rendered as optional local elements within the complex type, and ordered alphabetically.

Where a business component is derived from another business component, the corresponding complex type is defined as an extension of the complex type corresponding to the base. The complex types corresponding to all other business components are defined as an extension of ISFBase.

Comments carry the semantic definitions from the ISO20022 Data Dictionary.

ISFTypes_v3.xsd This contains override type definitions for some business components and some additional type definitions to define content that is not present in the ISO20022 Data Dictionary.

This schema file includes all the previous schema files, so this file is sufficient for all the core definitions.

ISFCommandTxn_v3.xsd This defines the transaction content for the Command message that is sent by the FTM OAC.
  1. The complex types corresponding to all business components are ultimately defined as extensions to the type ISFBase.
  2. Where a complex type is defined in the previous files with a name of the form ISFComponent, it replaces all uses and references to a type named Component, that is, an ISF-defined override of a business component replaces all references to the original component.
  3. Any complex or simple type definitions that are provided as ISF extensions to the content of the ISO20022 Data Dictionary is named with the prefix ISF.