Deploy to IBM App Connect Enterprise

The following steps are used to deploy the application for a payment scheme to IBM® App Connect Enterprise.

FTM for High Value Payments (High Value Payments) is deployed as a set of BAR files to one or more integration servers that belong to one or more integration nodes. The application can be deployed to one integration server for test and development. More complex deployments are appropriate to address high transaction rates and high availability production environments.

A new integration server for your High Value Payments deployment can be created by running the following command
mqsicreateexecutiongroup integration node -e integration server
The BAR files that need to be deployed fall into the following categories:
  1. FTM Base and High Value Payments libraries BAR files
  2. Payment scheme proprietary message schemas
  3. FTM for High Value Payments application and simulator BAR files
BAR files can be deployed by using either the IBM App Connect Enterprise toolkit or the IBM App Connect Enterprise command-line interface as follows:
mqsideploy integration node -a barfile -e integration server

FTM Base and High Value Payments libraries BAR files

FTM Base and High Value Payments provide pre-compiled BAR files that contain the libraries that are needed by the High Value Payments IBM App Connect Enterprise message flows. The BAR files require no site-specific customizations and can be deployed as is. They are provided in the <ftm_base_install_dir>/ftm/v3213/run/bar folder.

The BAR files for a payment scheme need to be deployed in a specific order:
  • For the T2 payment scheme:
    1. <ftm_base_install_dir>/ftm/v3213/run/bar/
    2. <ftm_base_install_dir>/ftm/v3213/run/bar/
    3. <ftm_hvp_install_dir>/hvp/v3213/run/bar/

Payment scheme proprietary message schemas

The file that was created in Create a BAR file for the message library.

FTM for High Value Payments application and simulator BAR files

  1. Go to the High Value Payments installation directory and extract the following artifacts into a new temporary directory.
    • FTM HVP Bars from file hvp/v3213/multiplatform/
    • FTM HVP Simulator Bars from file hvp/v3213/multiplatform/
    The BAR files, together with corresponding properties files, are found in the following directories:
    • Application BAR files: FTM HVP Bars
    • Simulator BAR files: FTM HVP Simulator Bars
    The BAR files are configured with default values for the properties in the following list, which can be reviewed in the corresponding properties files.
    Data source
    The property name is dataSource, and its default value is FTMDB.
    Database schema
    The property name is DB_SCHEMA, and its default value is FTM.
    IBM MQ queue prefixes
    The property names are *QueueName,*QName_Prefix,..., and their default values are FXT.*.
  2. If the FTM database or IBM MQ queues were created with different values, the BAR files properties need to be changed. To change the properties, do the following steps:
    1. Open the extracted properties files with a text editor, change the affected properties so they match the actual data source, schema and queue prefix values, and save the properties files.
    2. Open an IBM App Connect Enterprise Console window and go to the directory where the BAR files were extracted. For each of the modified properties files,, run the following command:
      mqsiapplybaroverride -b -p
  3. Deploy the following application BAR files to the new integration server:
  4. If the provided CSM simulator is being used, deploy the following simulator BAR file: