Clearing and settlement mechanism (CSM) simulator for TCH setup and configuration
Artifacts must be set up and properties must be configured for this simulator.
The queues that are used by this simulator are shown in the following table.
Queue type | Queue name | Related property name |
Outbound payment | <prefixes>.REQUEST.TO.CSM | PaymentToCSM |
Outbound response | <prefixes>.RESPONSE.FROM.CSM | StsRptFromCSM |
Inbound payment | <prefixes>.REQUEST.TO.CSM.EXTERNAL | PaymentToCSMExternal |
Inbound payment | <prefixes>.REQUEST.FROM.CSM | PaymentFromCSM |
Inbound response | <prefixes>.RESPONSE.TO.CSM | StsRptToCSM |
Inbound payment (internal queue) | <prefixes>.SIM.CSM.EXPIRYREPORT | SimCSMExpiryReportQ |
Inbound payment (internal queue) | <prefixes>.SIM.CSM.TIMEOUT | SimCSMTimeOutQ |
Internal queue | <prefixes>.SIM.CSM.TRIGGER.RPTRSP | TriggerRepeatResponse |
Internal queue | <prefixes>.SIM.CSM.CONTROL | SimCSMControlQueue |
Error queue | <prefixes>.SIM.FAILED | FailedMessageOutputQueue |
IBM App Connect Enterprise artifacts
This simulator uses the following artifacts:
- TCHCSMSimulator.msgflow
- FTM IP TCH Simulator LIB
- FTM IP Simulator Common LIB
Common flow properties
The common flow properties that are used by this simulator are shown in the following table.
Property name | Default value | Description |
PaymentToCSMExternal | FXR.IP.REQUEST.TO.CSM.EXTERNAL | The simulator input queue to use for the messages from an external debtor application that are shown in
the following list:
PaymentToCSM | FXR.IP.REQUEST.TO.CSM | The simulator input queue to use for the messages from Immediate Payments that are shown in
the following list:
PaymentFromCSM | FXR.IP.REQUEST.FROM.CSM | The simulator output queue to use for the messages that are shown in the following list:
The simulator adapts the business application header by updating the following values:
StsRptFromCSM | FXR.IP.RESPONSE.FROM.CSM | Simulator output queue for status reports to the Immediate Payments application (pacs.002). |
StsRptToCSM | FXR.IP.RESPONSE.TO.CSM | Simulator input queue for status reports from the Immediate Payments application (pacs.002). |
FailedMsgOutputQueue | FXR.IP.SIM.FAILED | The queue to use for messages that fail schema validation. |
CSM_ExpiryReportQ and SimCSMExpiryReportQ | FXR.IP.SIM.EXPIRYREPORT | The queue to use for IBM® MQ expiry reports. The expiry reports cause cancellation requests to be generated for the payment requests. |
SimCSMTimeoutQ | FXR.IP.SIM.CSM.TIMEOUT | The queue to use to store payment request messages that expire at the value that is defined in the CSM_ExpirationTimeToCancel property. |
TriggerRepeatResponse | FXR.IP.SIM.CSM.TRIGGER.RPTRSP | The queue to use to initiate sending responses to repeated messages. |
SimCSMControlQueue | FXR.IP.SIM.CSM.CONTROL | This queue is used to control the response of a sign-on or sign-off request. It is also used to simulate a schema validation error for all requests and answers with an admi.002 message. |
LogFailedMsgToQueue | TRUE | Indicates whether failed messages are logged to a queue. |
Data source | FTMDB | The name of the database that is running the application. |
User-defined properties
The user-defined properties (UDP) for this simulator are shown in the following table. For the user-defined
properties that are related to repeat scenarios, see Repeating messages scenarios.
Property name | Default value | Description |
DB_SCHEMA | FTM | The name of the database schema. |
CSM_MQRqRsp_RspToCSM_Q | Empty | If a queue name is specified in this property, the IBM MQ request-response protocol is activated. Set the value of this property to one of your FXR.IP.RESPONSE.TO.CSM_X queues. |
CSM_FIId | 022113344 | The TCH financial institution ID to be used for message ID generation. |
CSM_PART_ID | 022113344XX | The participant ID of TCH. It is used in the business application header. |
CSM_TimeoutProcessing | TRUE | This property enables and disables the timeout mechanism. |
CSM_ExpirationTimeToCancel | 5000 | The amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, before timeout processing begins. |
CSM_Limit_RJCT | 800 | The amount limit for a payment request (pacs.008) that controls the return code that is used in the status report response (accept or reject). For more information about the codes returned, see Status codes and user-defined properties. |
CSM_Limit_RJCT_RMT | 750 | The amount limit for a remittance advice request(RMT) that controls the return code that is used in the status report response (accept or reject). For more information about the codes returned, see Status codes and user-defined properties. |
CSM_Limit_RJCT_RFI | 750 | The amount limit for a request for information (RFI) request (camt.026) that controls the return code that is used in the status report response (accept or reject). For more information about the codes returned, see Status codes and user-defined properties. |
CSM_Limit_RJCT_RFIR | 700 | The amount limit for a request for information response (RFIR) request (camt.028) that controls the return code that is used in the status report response (accept or reject). For more information about the codes returned, see Status codes and user-defined properties. |
CSM_Amnt_ACWP | 6.66 | The value of the amount in a payment request (pacs.008), request for information request (camt.026), or
request for information response request (camt.028) that is returned with Account without Posting in the
status report response. For more information about the codes returned, see Status codes and user-defined properties. |
CSM_Amnt_RetOfFunds | 7.77 | The value of the amount in a payment request (pacs.008) for which a request for return of funds
(camt.056) is generated after a final status report was sent. It uses the latency that is defined in
CSM_AddtlLtcy to wait until the request return of funds request is sent. This amount is
compared to the pacs.002 field in the status report that is sent to the
CSM_Amnt_RJCT_PmtStsRq | 8.88 | The value of the amount in a payment status request (pacs.028) that controls the return code that is used in the status report response (accept or reject). |
CSM_LimitRFPAccept | 10 | The amount limit for a request for payment (RFP) request (pain.013) that controls the return code that is used in the status report response (accept or reject). For more information about the codes returned, see Status codes and user-defined properties. |
CSM_AssgnrAgt_RJCT_ROF | 021200296 | This property controls the response for the request for funds request. The simulator sends a pacs.002
reject when the ID of the assigner is equal to the value of this
property. camt.056:
CSM_AssgnrAgt_RJCT_RROF | 020010088 | This property controls the response for the request for funds response request. The simulator sends a
pacs.002 reject when the ID of the assignee is equal to the value of this
property. camt.029:
CSM_CrdtAgt_RJCT_RFPR | 020010087 | This property controls the response for the payment return response request. The simulator sends a
pacs.002 reject when the creditor agent ID is equal to the value of this
property. pain.014:
CSM_PACKRjct_Name | PACK.RJCT | This property controls the response for the payment acknowledgment request. The simulator sends a
pacs.002 reject when the case creator name contains the specified
string. camt.035:
CSM_InstgAgtRptRspAddLtcy | 021200289 | This property works the same as the CSM_InstgAgtRptRsp property, but it delays the timeout processing. More latency is added to the timeout counter to avoid cancellation during repeat processing. |
CSM_UpdateTimestamps | FALSE | Updates timestamps to current local time in messages that are received by the CSM simulator on the REQUEST.TO.CSM.EXTERNAL queue. |
CSM_Latency | 100 | Simulates the latency. This property is specified in milliseconds. For more information, see Latency processing. |
CSM_FixedLatencyMode | TRUE | Indicates whether the latency is added independently of the IBM MQ wait time. For more information, see Latency processing. |
CSM_InstgAgtToAddLtcy | 021200297 | For inbound payment scenarios, more latency is added when the specified value corresponds to the
MmbId of the DbtrAgt. CSM_InstgAgtToAddLtcy
is compared to the pacs008 field in the payment request.
CSM_AddtlLtcy | 6000 | The amount of latency to add for CSM_InstgAgtRptRspAddLtcy and CSM_InstgAgtToAddLtcy. |
ApplicationName | FTM IP TCH Application | Configurable application name. |
CSM_RejectRetries | 0 | The configuration for reject retries. |
CSM_RJCT_ReasonCode | AM13 | The reject reason code. |