Date and time search criteria
All the operational data pages can be used to search for data in a specified time period. If you select between for the Status Changed field for any of these values, you can enter your own date and time range. Or, you can leave the associated date and time fields blank if you do not want to filter on this field.
By default the Created field is set to last 60 minutes and the Status Changed field is set to between. These defaults are for performance reasons to prevent unintentional queries that would return a large result set. On each of the search pages, you can change these values to new values that are remembered during your current session.
The values that are available in the drop-down lists within the FTM Operations and Administration Console (OAC) are provided by the classifications. The time period fields are a special case as they also require configuration value entries.
To add a custom time interval, create a new classification item with a Classification Scheme of FILTERPERIOD, and then create a corresponding configuration value in the GUI Category. The configuration value in Key needs to match the classification item code. Use the classification item Sequence Number field to define the order in which the time period entries appear in the list. The entry with the lowest number appears first in the list. The Configuration Value field defines the number of seconds before the current time. So, for example, the last 10-minutes entry has a value of 600.
The entries that are provided by the sample application are shown in the following figures. The ASSPECIFIED, FILTERPERIODDEFAULT, and TODAY classification codes do not have matching Configuration Value entries because they are fixed constants that are used internally by the FTM OAC to generate the time period fields. For the FTM OAC to function correctly, these three constant values need to be included in the Configuration Value entries for every application version.
If the database time zone is set, the today and between options use the viewing time zone that is set in the OAC preferences.