Connection-specific properties

After all common properties are set, a new updated BAR file is generated.

In the sample properties file (see Figure 1), the BAR file is The BAR file must be tailored to define the connection-specific configuration values. With the configuration values, each BAR file is then created for generating an instance of the connector.

The following sample is an example of the configuration values:
mqsiapplybaroverride -b -p -o
mqsiapplybaroverride -b -p -o
mqsiapplybaroverride -b -p -o
mqsiapplybaroverride -b -p -o
The properties file that is used for this configuration is specific to the connection this instance of the connector must serve. For example, the properties file that is used for the file might contain the following properties.
Connectivity.TCHConnector#TCo_RTPReplyToQueue = IBM_MQ1.RESPONSE.FROM.RTP_MQ1
Connectivity.TCHConnector#TCo_RTPReplyToQMgr = FTMIP00
Connectivity.TCHConnector#TCo_FTMReplyToQueue = FXR.IP.RESPONSE.TO.CSM_1
Connectivity.TCHConnector#TCo_FTMAltReplyToQueue = FXR.IP.RESPONSE.TO.CSM_3
Connectivity.TCHConnector#TCo_FTMAltReplyToQMgr = FTMIP10
Connectivity.TCHConnector#RspToCSM_Q = FXR.IP.RESPONSE.TO.CSM_1
Connectivity.TCHConnector#ReqToRTP_Q = IBM_MQ1.REQUEST.TO.RTP_MQ1
Connectivity.TCHConnector#RspFromRTP_Q = IBM_MQ1.RESPONSE.FROM.RTP_MQ1
Connectivity.TCHConnector#ReqFromRTP_Q = IBM_MQ1.REQUEST.FROM.RTP_MQ1
Connectivity.TCHConnector#RspToRTP_Q = IBM_MQ1.RESPONSE.TO.RTP_MQ1
Connectivity.TCHConnector#SNMFromRTP_Q = IBM_MQ1.SNM.FROM.RTP_MQ1
Connectivity.TCHConnector#AdminCmd_Q = FXR.IP.ADMIN.CMD_1
The following table describes the connection-specific properties.
Table 1. Connection-specific properties
Property Description
TCo_RTPReplyToQueue Queue name for responses from the RTPS.
TCo_RTPReplyToQMgr Queue manager name to which the RTPS responds.
TCo_FTMReplyToQueue Queue name to which FTM IP responds.
TCo_FTMAltReplyToQueue Alternate reply queue to which FTM IP responds when the connector is in quiescing mode. This is typically the TCo_FTMReplyToQueue of the TCHconnector instance on the other site which is connected to the same site.
TCo_FTMAltReplyToQMgr Queue manager which hosts the TCo_FTMAltReplyToQueue queue.
RspToCSM_Q Queue name from which responses from FTM IP are processed.
ReqToRTP_Q Queue name for sending requests to the RTPS.
RspFromRTP_Q Queue name for receiving responses from the RTPS.
ReqFromRTP_Q Queue name for receiving requests from the RTPS.
RspToRTP_Q Queue name for sending responses to the RTPS.
SNMFromRTP_Q Queue name for receiving status notification messages (SNM) from the RTPS.
AdminCmd_Q Queue name for system administration messages. Supported messages are shown in the following list.
  • SignOn sends admn.001 message to RTPS
  • SignOff sends admn.003 message to RTPS
  • Echo sends admn.005 message to RTPS
  • PartRep sends admn.007 message to RTPS
  • QuiesceOn moves this connector into quiescing mode
  • QuiesceOff moves this connector off of quiescing mode