Customizing the configuration files in a ConfigMap
FTM supports customizing configuration files by updating the files in the ConfigMaps. All configuration files are retrieved directly from the ConfigMaps.
Any customizations to the Liberty
server.xml configuration file can be done by adding XML snippets to the
config-dropins.xml file in the ConfigMap for the component. The following list shows the
ConfigMap names for the components that use WebSphere® Liberty.
The JVM options can be customized by updating the jvm.options file in the ConfigMap
for the component. The following list shows the ConfigMap names for the components that you can change the Java™ options for.
- The jvm.options file in the ConfigMaps has the default IBM® settings that must not be modified.
- You can use only the ConfigMaps with names that are described in these lists to customize the configuration files. ConfigMaps that have different names are not supported.
- ConfigMaps must not be deleted and re-created manually to update any configurations in it. Manual recreation of the ConfigMaps can move them out of control of the operator. Therefore, only the existing resources must be updated with the new values.
- You can create your ConfigMaps before you deploy your FTM solution. These ConfigMaps need the formation/update: disabled annotation in the annotations section of their spec.metadata.
Update the ConfigMap files
Complete the following steps to update the ConfigMap.
- Run the following command to download the config-dropins.xml file locally to the
oc extract configmap/ftm-componentname-dropins --confirm
- Use an XML editor to update the config-dropins.xml file.
- Run the following command to replace the existing ConfigMap file.
When oc apply is run for the first time on a ConfigMap, a warning occurs. The warning indicates that an annotation that oc apply requires is missing, but it is patched automatically. You can ignore the warning message.oc create cm ftm-componentname-dropins --from-file config-dropins.xml --dry-run=client -o yaml --save-config=true | oc apply -f